I had my 2 year follow up appointment
Congratulations on your success. It is a scary thought that weight loss isn't permanent if we aren't careful but you can do it!! I think it's the same for people with other addictions. I used to be a smoker and I know I will always be addicted to cigarettes. Even thought it's been 33 months since I have had one puff, I will deal with my addiction daily. Food will be the same way. I know it will be harder. Because you can completely avoid smoking, but you have to eat to live. I tried to explain that to my husband and being he's never had an issue with weight he doesn't understand but he was also a smoker. I tell him to compare it to having just a little cigarette everyday with out falling off the wagon. It will be hard but we are armed with the knowledge that it will be hard, it will be a conscious decision daily to do what is right, but we are stronger and can over come it. One day at a time.