CPAP machine.....
For those of you that had sleep apnea, did you continue using the CPAP after surgery?
So I'm assuming this is my last 'obstacle' aside from being approved!!! Yippee!!!
Hi Karen,
Welcome to the forum. As you said, it does take some getting used to... I know that my surgeon will check the readings on the machine to be sure that you've been using it prior to surgery and will cancel the surgery if you 'forget' to bring it. They do this because anesthesia already compromises your breathing and when you add apnea to it, it become a dangerous combination. After you come out of surgery and go into recovery or your room, you will most likely be hooked up on your own CPAP machine or possibly one that the hospital provides and they will run your O2 through your CPAP to ensure that you are well oxygenated as you recover.
As you probably know, many of us who are obese have what is known as obstructive sleep apnea. For many, like myself, the 'obstruction' is the extra weight we are wearing around our necks that literally compress the airway. When you lose the weight, the 'weight' sitting on your airway goes away and you no longer need the CPAP. You should also know that that are a number of 'skinny' folks that also use CPAPs for obstructive sleep apnea, so if the obstruction is not just from the excess weight, you may still need to use it. Generally a second sleep study is done after you lose the weight so that they can determine if you still need it and if so, if you still need the same airflow to maintain an open airway. Many times, if you do still need it, they will adjust the airflow down because a great deal of the obstruction has resolved with the weight loss.
Enjoy getting more complete and restful sleep.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I am 4 months out and I still wear mine. Most people are evaluated after they have lost 75-100% of their weight loss
PS They did not use my machine in recovery. I did bring it to the room and had to get permission to use because I have lap band. At one time they thought that CPAP machines would blow the lap band apart but I was allowed to use it.