Another cool WOW moment!
Last night my band played for a private party, and one of my friends stopped by to see me. I was wearing a dress that my mother had given me about a month ago (size X). My friend was very complimentary about my appearance, and commented on how pretty the dress was. I told her that it used to belong to my mother, and she said, "Your mother must be a tiny person." I looked at her with a beaming smile and said, "THANK YOU!". It took her a second to realize that if she was saying that about my mom, then she was saying it about me, too! We started laughing, and just enjoyed another WOW moment together. As of this morning, I am down 118.5 pounds, and I feel so wonderful ~ I cannot believe how this surgery and new way of living has changed my life!
Thanks for letting me share!
Thanks for letting me share!
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the new threads - I love shopping out of my Moma's closet but alas - it didn't last very long - I'M SMALLER THAN SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never in my entire life has that ever happened.
- Iris
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4