my Mom and Lap Band
I posted last month that my mom, her twin and my cousin are all going to have Lap Band. They all went to the first meeting with the Doctor a few weeks ago and they all got the green light to head for the Proessing center. My mom's weight puts her as morbid obese and I wont bore you with all her Co Morbs... she has a ton of them. She called last night and was on the defense and upset. According to the nurse doing her intake her BMI was only 38 and it has to be 40. My moms twin sister is a inch shorter then she is. My Aunt and my cousin both have BMI of 41 and are moving along in the process. I asked my mom when was the last time she truly measured her height. She says it has been years. I told her to call the office back and tell them she made a mistake that she is a inch shorter then what she put down. I am 5'7 and stand a good two inches taller then her. She put down she was 5'6 and I think with age she has lost a bit of height. If she puts 5'5 that would put her at 41 BMI. She sounded really down and out on the phone. The last time I saw her she could not walk around without getting winded. She really needs to get rid of the weight. She kept asking me why would her Doctor put her in for the surgery only to get turned down at the *Processing center* I told her to keep fighting...sometimes this process is so frusterating!!! Please send her some magic Lap Band dust.... she really needs it right now!!
I would suggest that she go in to the Dr's office and have them measure her. It's likely that she has gotten shorter... One of those things that happens to us as we age and often we just like to 'think' we are taller than we are. At any rate, if they measure her and get a lower measurement, I'll bet it will go through easier.
I'm so sorry to hear of her distress, but hope it gets better soon... BTW, if she isn't short enough, I'll bet a few stress meals will bump her into the appropriate BMI.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145