How do I figure the nutrition of meals
Hi Saprina,
I use daily plate all the time. I was just logging my morning intake. Like you, I often don't consume a full serving of anything. When you log an item into mydailyplate, if you click on the serving size, you can change it. I often will change it to .25 for a quarter of a serving or .5 for half of a serving. It doesn't have to be exact, but it's a great way to start to develop an awareness of the protien, calories, fat and carbs we are consuming. When I was where you are in my journey, I was really only concerned that I was consuming enough calories (800 to 1000) a day and protien (60 gram minimum). I didn't much care about the rest.
I also don't re-invent the wheel with most things. One of the reasons I use mydailyplate is that the database is so incredibly comprehensive. I can find almost anything, but if I can't I'll often search for what I know will be a close substitute. If it's something I want to use a lot, I'll actually add it into the database. Most things show up. For example, if I want to log 'cottage cheese pancakes' which are a food I ate a lot early on, I just enter that into the search box. It will pull up a lot of different versions. I look 'em over to find the one the most closely matches what I need and then use it. It will also show up on my list of often used foods that appears on the lower right part of my screen.
Don't stress over this. THis is just a good way to develop awareness... something that many of us have been sorely lacking in until now.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145