Update from Deb_M .... Maya - 11 Weeks Old
Deb_M, a member of OH had her WLS October 2007. We all have our reasons for making our WLS journey and the ability to have a baby was Deb's reason. Deb and Ryan were blessed with the miracle of Maya in January 2008. Maya was born at 27 weeks and has been fighting her way home. (Her early arrival didn't have anything to do with Deb's WLS.) Below please find the latest update Deb sent to me and asked me to share with you.
Wow! Our girl is growing by leaps and bounds now! As of tonight she’s up to 3 lbs, 10 ozs! Earlier this week, a few nurses asked if we’d bought her car seat yet. That’s code for get ready, she may be coming home soon! Today I talked to Maya in depth about this magical place called “home.” I told her how long we’ve waited for her, and how many people there are who can’t wait to meet her! There’s no talk of specific timing or anything. Maya still has some milestones to meet (eating completely on her own and temperature control) but she’s taking giant leaps every day!
Her eyes are still problematic. The good news is that they didn’t get any worse this week, but that’s also the bad news. If she doesn’t show improvement over the next week, she will need laser surgery to treat the ROP. I hate to think of her having to go through surgery, poor little thing. But if she needs it, then she needs it. Her next eye exam will be Tuesday morning, and depending on those results, the surgery would be Tuesday afternoon. Best case would be for her eyes to suddenly start showing improvement, so keep those prayers coming!
Back on the positive side of things, Maya is eating like a champ. In the past week her tube feedings went from a slow feeding over 3 hours, to 2 hours, to 1 hour and today she moved to 45 minutes. She’s handled all of these changes in stride. I guess she’s big enough now, and she just finally turned that corner. Today the Dr’s decided to have her feed by mouth every other feeding. So she’s going back & forth between tube feedings and bottle feeding (or nursing.) We’ll see over the course of a few days how she handles all of that work. So far so good!
We’re working a little bit every day to get everything ready around the house for Maya’s homecoming. She won’t need too much in the beginning, it will just be wonderful to have our family all together at home. I think it will still be another few weeks (at least.) But that’s nothing at this point! Hey, we’re headed in the right direction!
Love from us all,
Ryan, Deb and Maya
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/
High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!