Wii Addict
We do not have any kids so I have yet to try out the Wii. I hear it is a ton of fun! After listening to your story I might have to get one Hubby DOES have a Xbox though LOLOL maybe someday I can come over and we can Hula Hoop together Sounds like you had a total blast! Congrats on the jogging and keep on Hoopin!!!
I haven't hula hooped since I was probably 8 years old but we turned it into a competition. I let him win. (Gotta feed that ego dontcha see?) He really liked the balance games. Who would have ever thought that 2 40 somethings would spend hours playing fitness games?
There's a jogging game - I JOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never got winded - didn't get leg cramps - OMG!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited about this? I'm a little sore this morning but considering I played around with that thing for over 3 hours it could be a whole lot worse.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Iris~~I am so with you on the Wii Fit! Coming from a 38 year old I love love love it! My little boy calls me the Hula Queen. Little does he know I have the hips for that!!
The guy I have been dating (David also) and I played it with Garrett Saturday night and we had a blast. Yes I too made a fool of myself but had so much fun.
I too jogged 1.79 miles in 10 minutes (free run) and felt great afterwards! I have also incorporated 3lb weights with the exercises when I can to help tone my arms.
Keep at it!!! Some of the best money I have invested in!
Have a good one!
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none believe it!
You are talking my kind of talk.
I am totally into wii,xbox,pc gaming ect..
I am going to have to look into the wii fit again I heard it wasent such a good workout but from what you are saying it sounds like something to look into again.
Have you tried the wii fit test?
Latly on the xbox I have been killing tons of vampires on my new Buffy game
Annie - it's great - a workout without feeling like a workout (if that makes any sense?) I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with this new found "Addiction" and not only is it healthier - over the long run it's actually much cheaper than all the bad stuff that I used to buy on an almost daily basis,
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I am right there with you. I am not a "gamer" not do I enjoy exercise. After much thought my husband and I (who have no children) bought the Wii sports and Wii fit. I so love this product. It is so much fun and we have been competing against each other. I started out with the physical age of 58 which freaked me out! I am in reality 47 yrs old. This last Sunday I was 33!
I told my husband he was in for a treat when I become 21 again!
My favorite parts are the balance games and the running.
Have FUN!