Four Month Update
Hello my OH friends and family! How I miss keeping in close touch with you! I have been sincerely meaning to read through everyone’s profiles and a page or two of posts to try and catch up. I even thought I was going to be able to get that opportunity today but just found out I have to run to Asheville to order our new living room suite and then get back here for Cait’s ballgame this afternoon.
I still wanted to log on real quick to give you the scoop on my four month visit to Dr. Cook’s office yesterday. As for my weight-loss, I have lost 33% of my excess weight! They say that I am right on target, so that was a relief. Even though my results have been amazing, and I am truly happy with them, I still have it in my head that I am a “slow loser." (The “nothing’s ever good enough" mentality, I guess!) I was told that they like to see 50% of the excess weight gone by 6 months and that I’m on target for hitting that. In reality, I know I need to start working a little harder on food choices, protein, and water in order to reach that goal…and I’m gonna do it!
Some of the highlights lately have been that I am now 100 pounds lighter from my highest weight in July of ‘03! I had gotten up to 332 pounds that summer. I remember how difficult it was to get up off the floor, how my knees ached so bad going up and down stairs, that just a short walk left me breathless. I was busting out of size 30/32 clothing. It hurts my heart to think back on how difficult it was to live in this body at that weight.
Yesterday I reached 232 pounds (was 233 today for my official at-home weigh-in shown on my ticker). That’s -52 pounds since I started this SWL journey! I go up and down stairs without a thought. Found myself SKIPPING down them yesterday and just had to stop and giggle! I have a lap…yes, a lap. Lol When I look down, I don’t see my tummy sticking out under my boobs…I see my lap! Even with this miserable panni that I have, I can still cross my legs comfortably…wasn’t sure that was going to be possible. I was able to purchase a new chair for Cait’s softball games without having to buy the one that is labeled “Big Boy"…and it doesn’t even feel like it’s going to break underneath me, especially when I get up and down! I am wearing size 18-22 now depending on the cut/style/brand. Even bought my first size 18 pants, which are almost too big but I couldn’t fathom a size 16! Lol My wedding rings that I was excited to be wearing again are actually getting too big and slide all over the place. A close friend just told me this week that I look like a totally different person…like I’m in someone else’s body. How’s that for a wow?!
I honestly don’t mean to sound like I am bragging, but as I write all of these words I am thinking, “How can I describe this to let someone who is just now looking into surgery or going into it soon…how can I get them to realize how WONDERFUL and life-changing this is?!" I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I love, love, love that I did this for myself…and it’s been such a gift for my family as well!
It ended up that yesterday, Dr. Cook was unable to see me so Lynn called me this morning to let me know he does want to see me again soon regarding my umbilical hernia, herniated colon, and constipation issues. My deductible is paid up until July so I’m thinking I may be back in surgery before then. Was hoping it would wait until I could have some plastics done at the same time, but we’ll see what Dr. Cook says. Now that my blood sugar is stable, I’m seriously thinking about going back to being vegan, or at least vegetarian soon since that‘s been the best help regarding my IBS. OH! And I don’t think I had let you all know that my cortisol test came back okay…so no Cushing’s disease! Yippee!
While I was in Hickory yesterday, I stopped by the hospital to see Mica (purplepresident). I logged into my OH page yesterday morning and low and behold, she’d just had her surgery! Had to drop her a quick note to let her know I’d be there and would love to stop in to check on her. She’s such a lovely person and I am just tickled to death to know what lies ahead of her!
I’m so thankful for my surgeon, his staff, Frye…for our support group in Hickory, and the support here on OH. I know 100% without a doubt that without all of you here on OH that helped to support me, I would have never had this surgery and I cannot imagine sitting here now without it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You truly helped to save my life. I’m hoping that when things slow down a bit here, that I can pass the gift you gave me on to others.
Speaking of what‘s keeping us so busy, real quick, Cait is having an AWESOME softball season. Her batting average was actually 600-700’s until the last couple of games and now it’s about 470, which is still great. She has definitely earned all new catcher’s gear which we will be ordering her this weekend! Lol
I have a couple of posts that I would like to make for discussions about adjusting to an active life post-op when you had such an inactive one pre-op and also one about some boobie issues. Lol Those will have to wait until later though.
Hope to talk with you all again SOON!!!
Love and {{{Hugs}}} all around!!!
I am so proud of you. Congratulations on the 52 pound mark. Everybody looses at a different pace. Even if you don't get to the 50% weight loss by 6 months you will get there eventually. Might take you 7 months but that is okay.
You are so much more active and now that it is spring/summer you will be bouncing all around.
I sure have missed you and think of you often.
Look at how great you are doing.
Yes by all means we have been given a second chance at a healthier life and it is a gift to be shared with others looking into wls.
BTW I got a regular PT job doing what I love doing cooking and feeding people.
I am doing demos for FL instead of working through an outside company even tho I am still working for them too.
We are going to my friends wedding tomorrow she is my holistic vet friend who was such a big help with my Rosie.
We had to have Rosie put to sleep on Ash Wednesday but I could not of asked for a better like minded vet who came to the house.
I placed a rose quartz and a silver angel when we buried her.
On a happier note yesterday we released Red the cardinal I saved from FL he had run into the windows at the store.
I tried twice before to release him but he wasent able to fly until yesterday.
It was a wonderful thing to see Red take flight.
So I am feeling great and while making coffee this morning was practicing dancing around the kitchen.
Going to be ready to do some dancing at my friends wedding tomorrow night.
Love you (((((((((((Shauna)))))))))))))
Congratulations on your new job! Wow, that is so awesome...I'm thrilled for you. So sorry to hear about Rosie's passing. I know you both touched one another's hearts in such a special way, I have a feeling your paths will continue to cross.
Hope you enjoyed yourself at the wedding. Life is a never-ending circle of mourning and celebration, isn't it?
Oh how I loved to hear your story about Red! I know we've talked about my desire to rehabilitate wildlife some day. Kindred spirits, we are, in so many ways! I'm sure Red will never go far now that you've had a hand in saving his life.
Dance, dance, dance, dear Annie! Love you too!
Have Fun!!!!
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
So nice to hear from you! Glad you're doing so well! Isn't it nice to have so many wow moments! I have started feeling so liberated from all the weight related things that used to rule my thoughts! It is truly the best thing I've ever done for myself! I hope to make it to the "Morganton Meet Up" at the end of the month. Hope to see you there...better yet, I hope I recognize you! ;-)
I love to hear that you are being freed from weight-related thoughts. That is something I have longed for so much. I still find my diet-mentality creeping up on me and I really try to battle it away because I don't want entrapped in yo-yo stuff ever again! Make sense?
How I wish we could make it to the Morganton meetup. Cait does not have softball that weekend (I don't think, but I'm pretty sure), but we made a promise here that we would use our weekends to work hard to finish the house remodel. We have some goals that can't be met until we do just that so it's top priority right now. I bought the ceiling fan for the living room last night, which was the final construction item we needed for it, and we get to pick up the living room suite tomorrow! Slow but sure, things are coming along.
If you make it to the meetup, and I don't, please give my love, hugs, and hello's to everyone! {{{Big hugs}}} to you!