cabin fever
Thanks to the rain, snow, freezing cold, lack of warm days on the weekends, Grown kids with little kid needs, my dog, or what ever it is that is not getting me outside more stinks. I am so ready for spring to just get on up the hill. It was a balmy 7 degrees this morning. I think I will plant a coconut tree in the yard just to make ol man winter mad. I was going to order some sand for a beach but my polar bear costume just would not work with the sand and the coconut tree. Honestly I am in a bit of a stall but not letting it bug me too much. I finally dropped a little bit but I can only blame myself for not braving the bitter icy days to get out and participate in caloric burning. I see we have new folks up on the board and welcome. To my old but very young buddies here I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I just am missing hiking an now fishing is pretty much out of the question with most of the rivers closed for March. Oh what a bleak world the mountains have turned into lol. As soon as the sun finds its way back into a more normal environment all will be well again. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life.
I've got so much yardwork that I want/need to get done. Of course it's easy to make a plan while I'm at work but once it's time to go home - either I find something else to do or the weather decides not to cooperate.
It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend coming up. hmmmm.....Time will tell.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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