Volevo solamente dirti ciao e sapere come stai oggi!
In other words HELLO EVERYONE AND HOW ARE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am back from beautiful Rome!!! it was the best trip I have taken and I have been around LOL it was fantastic to hang out with my hottie hubby and see all the sites! It was also a lot easier not hauling around extra weight :) For Valentines hubby bought me two Prada bags, Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses and a pair of tall black Gucci boots :) I love my hubby! anyways the food was fantastic, the people super duper nice and I have some photos on my flickr account (link below) if anyone would like to see what we did! The Vatican was my favorite spot. There are no ways to describe the paintings done by Michaelangelo... Im not a *artsy fartsy* girl but WOW is all I can say. And to any single ladies on the board... get your butts over to Rome!!! OMG the men are ~HOT~ ~HOT~ ~HOT~ LOL Beth do you hear me???? hubby even commented how they all looked like models LOL anyways I am still a bit jet laggy and I really miss my daily Cappucino and afternoon Gelatto..... yep I ate horrible but hey thats life!! I hope you are all doing well and here is the link for anyone that wants to check out my pics!!! I brought back four bottles of Limoncello if anyone wants to come over for a very special drink :) LMAO
Love ya and missed you all!!
My husband really enjoyed the Sistine (sp) Chapel when he was there. He brought back lots of slides and I need to get the transfered to a cd. One day!!!
We have so many slides of our children when they were litttle that I am going to purchase a gizmo to transfer them to digital media and put them on a cd.
Anyway welcome home!
Glad to have you back. Hope to see you soon at the next J'ville gathering if I can come.