Overcome with guilt...
Too blessed to be stressed!
It takes time to realize that our WLS was on our physical stomachs - not our brains. As others have already posted it is a process and not everyone progresses at the same rate. Look how far you've come already - be proud of that.
Where I come from chasing after small children is better than any workout you'll ever get at the gym. Here's the main reason not to feel guilty : Set the example for them of how to lead a balanced, healthy lifestyle. You're doing that. You're working (and covering lots of ground it sounds like) - you're eating healthy and making smarter food choices (yes - that includes treats) and your active w/ them.
I missed out on a lot of my sons' stuff while they were in their early teens because I became a couch potato - when I came home from work it was straight to bed. I was too tired, depressed and unhealthy to do anything.
trust me - if you should be feeling any guilt - we'd have pointed it out to you (that's what friends are for -) Instead you should feel incredible. Go out and enjoy your day - make a memory with those kiddos.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
You're so right...I wish I had paid extra for the LABOTOMY!!! I really am proud of my weightloss, but I know I can do better...I just have to do it!
Yes, chasing these kids around leaves me exhausted...I also teach middle school special ed. and chasing them around all day, I'm probably getting more exercise than I think!!!
You're right, I'm going to go out and enjoy my day tomorrow...I'm starting with a pedicure and then going to get my eyebrows waxed!!!
Thanks for your support Iris...I really do appreciate it!
Too blessed to be stressed!
I expressed my frustration a while back and found that just voicing my frustration and concerns here about the "old habits" I was indulging once more gave me a bit more determination and drive to focus on what I need to do.
I was absent from the board for a while and found that checking in now and then with you all has really made a difference.
My exercise has increased a bit...walking more. But after hernia surgery next week I hope to be able to introduce a little more "physical" activity into my routine.
You've identified your "weaknesses ' (For lack of a better word. You are NOT weak.) Work on it a little at a time. I am. It is making a difference.
PS - You look amazing anyway!! LOL
Just got your post.
You already know what I was doing home. (All they did was ask questions and take blood.)
Couldn't they do that at Harris's office? *shrug*
Hope you had a good night at "the hole."
Can't wait to hear how things go with PA.
Love ya!
Thanks for admitting to relating to my problem...You are so right about getting it out...Honestly, I'm still disappointed in myself for not doing what I said I would do when I had the surgery...but just admitting yesterday really made me feel a little bit better.
I hope your hernia surgery goes well and that you're back on your feet in no time!!! I'll say some prayers for you next week...when is the surgery?
Thanks for the compliment...I feel great!
Too blessed to be stressed!
I can so completely identify with you on the exercise part! That is why I can't shed these last 18 or so pounds!!! I bought an exercise ball, some of those stretchy straps to build strength with, a Wii and a WiiFit... but the truth is, they don't work out all by themselves and I don't use them as regularly as I should... which is to say, I barely use them at all!!! I am down to the just weighing myself on the WiiFit and that is all... I feel like such a failure myself, but know I'm still a work in progress, just like you.
But please, PLEASE, do take those vitamins... it isn't just the calcium that can cause you problems. I know lots of people who are taking iron infusions and daily B-12 shots and Vit D mega-supplements because they are deficient. See VitaLady for a schedule of Vitamins you MUST take in order to stay healthy. (Lecture done now! LOL)
You're doing a great job!