Update on Maya - One Week Old (X-Post)
She has lost some weight. Down to 1 lb 4 ozs, starting at 1 lb 8 ozs. But that is to be expected with a full term baby, and even more so in a preemie who's body is apparently 90% water. She has been getting TPN (nutrition) and lipids to start "fattening her up". :) They've also been giving her small amounts of breast milk through a tube in her mouth that goes down to her stomach. Those amounts aren't for nutrition, as much as to get her digestive system running and it's worked fabulously! She's pooping and peeing, and processing the food just like she's supposed to do. It's been great for my mental health to see her getting some of the breast milk. I went from doing everything for her, to suddenly I was helpless. I was pumping from the start, but it just went into the freezer for "someday." Now at least I can help her in that little way. :)
The most important updates revolve around her breathing. 2 nights ago they gave her a blood transfusion and started her on caffeine in order to get her to the strongest point possible so they could remove the ventilator. She has been wearing CPAP since then, with fantastic results! Yeah!!! She is maintaining her respiration rate, and oxygen saturation, with only 21% oxygen (equal to the room air that you and I breathe.)
She had umbilical lines in (instead of IVs) but those have a high risk for infection. They don't like leaving them in for more than a week. So those have been removed, which has made a world of difference! She now has a PICC (more permanent type of IV) and can lay on her belly (which she loves), and the very best part about losing the umbilical lines? We can do Kangaroo Care!!! I got to hold her today for the very first time! What a magical experience. They put her on my chest - skin to skin. She cuddled right in and we sat together for an hour. It felt so new and so amazing, yet so familiar to have her with me again. :) I thought it would be odd with all of the wires, CPAP mask, etc, but I hardly even noticed them. I noticed her feet moving on my belly and her little body on my chest. Since she's still so little with fragile skin, we can only do this for an hour every other day. So Friday will be Ryan's turn. I can't wait for him - he's already so smitten, this is going to do him in! :)
On her 4 day birthday I put together a slide show. It's on photobucket at
Thanks to everyone for prayers, positive thoughts, etc. They're all working, because she's meeting every expectation, and seems to surpassing some too. :)
(((Oh Honey)))!
Thank you so much for sharing your news, your joys, and your wonderful slideshow of your sweet, sweet baby girl. She is just beautiful... just like her Mom and Dad. Ben and I are just delighted to hear that you, Ryan and she are doing so well.
Your note and the slideshow brought tears to my eyes. I really remember the magic of being able to move the boys from 'hand hugs' to actually being able to hold them... It truly is magical. I remember being so worried about all of the wires, the beeping, the tubes... could I do it. But as you say, that all falls to the wayside as you get to hold that sweet baby. In such an odd way, it all becomes a strange sort of normal. I really can relate to your comment about not being able to 'take care' of her once she was born, but know that you have been every step of the way and that you are as you pump and provide her with the milk she needs to teach her body how to function. That you are as you come and put your hand on her so that she knows your near touch. That you are as you whisper your love to her. That you are ... You and Ryan are already exceedingly good parents as you advocate and support this lovely little flower of girl that you have ushered into this world.
I know that you must be so much more comfortable now that you are at the Towers with Ryan and the dogs. I know that they are happy to have you near as well.
Know that you and Maya will continue to gain strength and stamina over time... and sooner than you might think, you'll be bringing her home.
With love and affection, your friend,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I loved the photos!! She is so small. Make sure you take a picture comparing Ryan's hand to her current size. I was a premie and could not understand when my father kept telling me growing up that I fit into the palm of his hand, until I saw the picture.
She will grow and gain weight so fast and you won't remember!
Prayng for a full recovery and excellent health!
Blessings, Tami