OT Hubby got rescheduled
OMG!!! That would be my luck. I remember once in Jax, FL a bunch of us wives were at the pool. I was minding my own business, floating around in a RED two piece swimsuit (not a bikini but close, before all the baby fat got me!) and one of the other wives (my DH's boss's wife) took a picture. Remember this is during the time of snail mail and film. She got them developed and sent the picture to Ken who put it under the glass on top of his desk. TWO weeks later my DH writes me wanting to know what a picture of me in my bathing suit is doing under the glass on the Chief's desk. I was clueless!!! You should try having a fight 3,000 miles away by snail mail!! We had to number our letter so we would know where we were in the fight and if we had made up yet!! Tooo Funny!!! Kathy fessed up and I had to write and tell the story about a month after he found it!
Gotta tell you with all the new technology you guys can at least have a decent fight and makeup!! LOL
Those were the days!! DH would go back so fast I'd have to mail his drawers if they were to recall him. (no chance, but he still dreams)
Big Hug,
Gotta tell you with all the new technology you guys can at least have a decent fight and makeup!! LOL
Those were the days!! DH would go back so fast I'd have to mail his drawers if they were to recall him. (no chance, but he still dreams)
Big Hug,
I know you are ready to pounce on somebody's head.... please tell your sweet hubby Thanks for his service to keep us safe from those crazies!!!!
Have a wonderful time once he gets home... put him in that little sports car and go for a ride!
Have a wonderful time once he gets home... put him in that little sports car and go for a ride!
Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Hi Darcie
I to I'm a military spouse I understand about the reschedule when it is time for them to come home. I pray that he will be home this week an before the date that they are giving him. My husband is deployed also and I can't wait until I'm able to hear him say babe we will be home soon . Keep your head up it is almost time
I to I'm a military spouse I understand about the reschedule when it is time for them to come home. I pray that he will be home this week an before the date that they are giving him. My husband is deployed also and I can't wait until I'm able to hear him say babe we will be home soon . Keep your head up it is almost time