This happened to me after eating at the chinese place in Wilmington. I ate like 6 boiled shrimp, and drank water right after that. Well guess what, the water pushed the food thru my pouch into my intestine solid. I went home and after an hour or so I couldn't stand the pain anymore so I went to the er. Thought for sure I had ripped my pouch or something. They even called Dr.Harris to come up there and look at the mri. Everything was fine, after a whole day of morphine and foamies, and a goood long lecture from Dr. Harris about not drinking with my meals... he sent me home telling me "hope you learned your lesson".. I had just upgraded from gerbers graduates and thought I could handle shrimp... ps. don't drink with your meals.
I'd take it easy today, then contact your Dr and Nutritionist for feedback from them. I had some similar issues early on and didn't have to revert to liquids. The foods you are trying sound like they should be fine. However, you might want to double check your eating practices. Limit bite sizes to the size of pea or the head of a pencil eraser. Chew these tiny bites at least 30 times. Once you swallow, wait 3 minutes before taking the next bite. I'll bet that you are either taking bites that while they seem small are too big, and/or not chewing enough, or waiting long enough between bites. You won't always have to eat in this very slow measured method, but it is very helpful for the first several months. To be honest, now I can eat at normal pace... but that really didn't happend until I got close to a year.
It will get better.
P.S. If you cannot tolerate any solids, I would ask your Dr if it is possitle for you thave a stricture.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I have things get stuck more than I wish they did but they do and it is extremly uncomfortable.
I have even tried drinking fluids to help it pass through unfortunatly it makes it worse for me.
I found by drinking liquids when something is stuck it makes whatever is stuck swell up.
The location of your pouch from my understanding is located up under your breast bone so when I have things get stuck I feel horrible pressure in the middle of my chest.
You would also think I would avoid these foods after having something get stuck.
I think old habits die hard and for me I dont think I learn my lesson all the time.
Over a year out and still learning.