abdominal pain - two years out
Lately I have been experiencing abdominal pain. My doctor sent me for a colonoscopy last month and to my surprise, even after drinking all that "stuff" that they have you drink prior to the procedure to "clean you out", the doctor told me that I was still very impacted. He thought that maybe it was due to scar tissue and adhesions from my previous surgeries (gastric bypass and hytsterectomy). Has anyone else experinced this? I guess I am worried that I might have a bowel obstruction or something like that because I am constantly constipated.
I do experience constipation if I'm not careful with my diet, but Miralax generally addresses and resolves the issue for me.
Please let us know what they find and how your are doing.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I called Duke and left a message. I received a return call almost immediately from Dr. DeMaria's nurse. I told her that I had experienced severe pain the other night - so severe that I could not sleep. She said that it sounds pretty serious and asked me to come in Monday morning to see Dr. DeMaria. I was also told to go to the emergency room if the severe pain returns. So, wish me luck.
I'm so sorry to hear that you have been hurting so, but I'm glad that you got a quick, effective response from Duke. Please do let me know what they have to say after you Dr. DeMaria.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145