Recipe for Onions...Yummy!
I don't know if onions is good for us or not but over Christmas I tried this onion and it was so good and set well in my pouch so I made one last night and eating leftovers today. I can't eat but a little bit at a time.
1 large onion, cut out the center
1 pat butter or whatever you use
1 beef bouillon cube
Put the bouillon cube and butter into the center of onion and then wrapped the onion in foil and bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.
1 large onion, cut out the center
1 pat butter or whatever you use
1 beef bouillon cube
Put the bouillon cube and butter into the center of onion and then wrapped the onion in foil and bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.
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Hey Sandy, it was great seeing you as well and I could tell you had already lost some weight. Well the onions are real soft and kinda melt in your mouth so maybe try and bite and see how you do. I have found out that sometimes food is great with my pouch one time and then the next it makes me sick so I'm just living and learning with every new food I try.
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Oh my gosh, I used to make these all the time. Love them! You can just pop it in the microwave for about 5 minutes too (but then you'd want to put in a bowl & cover with plastic wrap instead of the tin foil) :)
I haven't done this in forever. I don't think there's a problem with us having onions, it would just be a matter of eating your protein first. This could be a great accompaniment to a grilled meat. Heck, if you're firing up the grill, I imagine you could put the tin-foil wrapped onion right on the grill too. Yummy, this keeps sounding better and better (says the girl eating hospital food) :)
I haven't done this in forever. I don't think there's a problem with us having onions, it would just be a matter of eating your protein first. This could be a great accompaniment to a grilled meat. Heck, if you're firing up the grill, I imagine you could put the tin-foil wrapped onion right on the grill too. Yummy, this keeps sounding better and better (says the girl eating hospital food) :)
I know that hospital food sucks Deb but at least you know you can't binge on to much bad stuff with them cooking lol. I might have to try them on the grill the next time, thanks for the suggestion. Hope you feeling good tonight. God Bless!
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