Basic Metabolic Rate --
You use energy no matter what you're doing, even when sleeping. The BMR Calculator will calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.
If you've noticed that every year, it becomes harder to eat whatever you want and stay slim, you've also learnt that your BMR decreases as you age. Likewise, depriving yourself of food in hopes of losing weight also decreases your BMR, a foil to your intentions. However, a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise can increase your BMR, improving your health and fitness when your body's ability to burn energy gradually slows down.
According to my stats, my BMR is 1457.55. I would burn that just laying in bed all day. CRAZY! But add all of my crazy, hectic routine and the over 15K steps I take daily and I know I burn way more than that. I just thought the tool was neat and some of you might be interested to see it. By the way, when I was 324 pounds my BMR was 2210.0.. What a big ole difference!!!
Hi Jennifer,
The BMR Calculator that I use is similar to the one that you provided, but it allows you to factor in your activity level ... ... I might give you an idea of what it looks like with your 15K steps ;-)
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145