The Grinch came to my house....
I am so mad, I just have to vent somewhere. We decorated our front porch with inflatable snowmen, and this year I bought a big, 6ft santa. Well some #$%X had the nerve to come up on my front porch, untie the 6 teathers that were holding him, unplug it and carry it off. Now it only cost $25 from Wal Mart, but thats not the point!!!! It was there when we went to bed at 11:30 pm and was gone when we got up at 6am. They also took the timer that was attached!. We live out in the country on 3 acres, and sit about 500 ft back from the road, so they were really bold coming up and doing that. They didn't take my ugly snowmen, just my new Santa. I called the sheriff (ha) who took a report but wasn't concerned. My concern is that if they were that brave, whats next? My rockers? Breaking in? We even have security lights, and that didn't deter them either!. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Not to make light of the situation BUT Karma is a b*tch and it will come back to bite them in the rear. We've had 2 thefts this past year and everytime my view of humanity sinks just a little lower.
- Iris
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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