good doctor in morganton?
can anyone recommend a good doctor in morganton nc? the pa i have been seeing put me on byatta which makes me throw up, and if i get dehydrated i could go into a diabetic coma since my blood sugar runs over 500. i realy need a doctor who knows what they are doing. im drawn to family medical associates but dont know anything about them.
I was on byetta for a while several years ago but my sugars were no where near that level. When my sugars approached the 300 range I was switched over to Novolog which is a fast insulin for taking prior to eating and Novolin N for long term usage. It took me while to get adjusted to taking several injections a day but when planned out ahead of time it got my sugars down to a more manageable level. I would seriously seek out another doctor or Endocrinologist to see how your over all A1C is for a long period and then perhaps change the type of medication to get you down from the 500 levels. Honestly I have hit 500 a couple of times prior to my surgery and it scared me bad enough to get to the emergency room. It does not surprise me that you are not naturally dehydrating with or without the byetta. If you ever bought strawberries and put sugar on them they will dehydrate and make a syrup that did not exist prior to you putting the sugar on them. It is likely your body is doing just this same thing if your sugars are that high.
From one diabetic to another and im not preaching one bit just suggesting something that helped me some. I had to honestly check on everything I put in my mouth to know how much sugar or carb was in it before I ate it. It sucked that i did that for a long time but the better thing was that my management got a lot better. I would suggest if you have not gone to a nutritionist yet you see if your doctor can get you an appointment. They can sit down and discuss your intake and how much insulin you might need if they put you on it to get those sugar levels down.
The big thing that you will need to consider is that you will have to help in the medication to get the levels right. Most people that begin to take insulin are on a sliding scale so that if you take in more carbs or sugar you take more of the short term insulin. If you have not had blood work done lately it might be a good idea for your physician to check your cholesterol and triglycerides as they play an important role in the distribution of the fat from your liver to the intestine.
I am not a doctor just a very concerned diabetic that knows how tough this lifestyle can be for many people and it concerns me that you are at a certain level that could cause you to shut down in the kidneys, eyes, or coma. When you read this response take heart that you are likely to be able to manage better blood sugars and that you may need to reconsider some of your intake items. Go see a doctor tomorrow if possible or even go to the ER if you cant get in somewhere.
I hope you dont take offense to the seriousness of this note but I would not want one human on this earth to go through some of the things that diabetic people go through in the time they have here on earth. I am fortunate that I dont have to take insulin anymore and my sugar levels have come down with weight loss. For me it was a miracle in itself and I would wi**** for everyone that needs it too. Thanks for putting up with my long windedness.
From one diabetic to another and im not preaching one bit just suggesting something that helped me some. I had to honestly check on everything I put in my mouth to know how much sugar or carb was in it before I ate it. It sucked that i did that for a long time but the better thing was that my management got a lot better. I would suggest if you have not gone to a nutritionist yet you see if your doctor can get you an appointment. They can sit down and discuss your intake and how much insulin you might need if they put you on it to get those sugar levels down.
The big thing that you will need to consider is that you will have to help in the medication to get the levels right. Most people that begin to take insulin are on a sliding scale so that if you take in more carbs or sugar you take more of the short term insulin. If you have not had blood work done lately it might be a good idea for your physician to check your cholesterol and triglycerides as they play an important role in the distribution of the fat from your liver to the intestine.
I am not a doctor just a very concerned diabetic that knows how tough this lifestyle can be for many people and it concerns me that you are at a certain level that could cause you to shut down in the kidneys, eyes, or coma. When you read this response take heart that you are likely to be able to manage better blood sugars and that you may need to reconsider some of your intake items. Go see a doctor tomorrow if possible or even go to the ER if you cant get in somewhere.
I hope you dont take offense to the seriousness of this note but I would not want one human on this earth to go through some of the things that diabetic people go through in the time they have here on earth. I am fortunate that I dont have to take insulin anymore and my sugar levels have come down with weight loss. For me it was a miracle in itself and I would wi**** for everyone that needs it too. Thanks for putting up with my long windedness.