Support group around Elizabeth City???
Hi there - I'm in Currituck County (2 counties over to the east) To my knowledge there are no support groups in our area - you'd have to go to Virginia. Try posting on the Virginia Forum and ask about meetings in the Tidewater area. I know they have some through local surgeons there and the Naval Hospital. Good Luck to ya & Welcome to the Area.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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Hi, I also live in EC, but go to support group at Portsmouth Naval Hospital since my surgeon is there. There are a couple of us here in EC that are military. If you are interested in going up there (it is once a month and you don't have to be their patient) PM me. A support group in this area would be a good idea, and you could probably get Albemarle Hospital to let you use one of their meeting rooms after hours since it would be a community event. Feel free to PM me to talk. Are you Coast Guard?