I made it home!
Hi all, I just got home and as I say this I am crying. I felt the prayers that were being said for me yesterday after the Dr said I had pneumonia and after i couldnt keep even water down. Thank you all so much. I was feeling a lot better this morning. Now .. not too great but I know it will take time. Keep praying because it s working!
Thank you all and thank you Shaunda for being such a sweet Angel!
going to lay down now/
Also question:Is it normal to have diarreah a few days after?
Cindy, Welcome home, dear! My heart lept when I saw this post. I know you have had such a rough start but hopefully things will be much, much better for you very soon. Take really good care of yourself. We've certainly been pulling for you. Yes, it's either one extreme or the other with the bowels post-op. Hubby even bought us a waterproof mattress cover to come home to just in case. lol Huge {{{hugs}}} 'n love coming your way! (Tell Brit she was a doll for keeping us posted!)
Welcome home, Cindy! Now get lots of rest and keep sipping constantly! It will help clear out the bad stuff from the pneumonia and will keep you hydrated which is SO important at this stage. The diarrhea could be a reaction to the barium and/or gastrografin from your post-op leak test... assuming you had one... it sure had that effect on me!