Update on my few questions (and a few replies)
Shelia, I thought seafood would be okay too. I wish I'd kept a food journal Saturday! I do remember that I had a bit of scrambled eggs with hash that morning for breakfast with the family. I've done really well with eggs and the hash was such a tiny amount. I had a small piece of grilled salmon for lunch. It was heaven! During the afternoon, before the Christmas parade, the family stopped at Wendy's and I just had a few tiny bites of Allen's chili. By dinner, I wasn't feeling good tummy-wise. Tried a bite of shrimp. Yuck. Tried a few bites of tilapia. Yuck. The damage had already been done. This is such a personal issue that has nothing to do with the surgery...I've dealt with this for years! I've even had to have a herniated colon repair that was related to all this and it has come back with a vengeance. I'm due for another surgery a.s.a.p. but I can't even think about that right now!
I did call the office this morning and Meredith is going to have Becky call and talk with me as soon as she has some time...she's with patients all morning. I ate something that was a dairy or bean protein every 2-2.5 hours all day yesterday and I felt so good blood-sugar wise. Was up a 1/2 pound on the scale this morning. I need help figuring out how I can keep this blood sugar thing under control without animal protein and without too many calories. I sleep 8 hours so eating 8-9 times a day while awake...that could really add up!
I did call the office this morning and Meredith is going to have Becky call and talk with me as soon as she has some time...she's with patients all morning. I ate something that was a dairy or bean protein every 2-2.5 hours all day yesterday and I felt so good blood-sugar wise. Was up a 1/2 pound on the scale this morning. I need help figuring out how I can keep this blood sugar thing under control without animal protein and without too many calories. I sleep 8 hours so eating 8-9 times a day while awake...that could really add up!
Kelly, I was much better yesterday, thank you. Today I'm feeling a little woo-hoo again but am waiting to hear from my nut (hehe). Hopefully she will be able to get me on a good plan for my body (and mind! lol). Thanks for being a shoulder for me. How are you feeling? Just remember, the issues I'm dealing with aren't typical...they existed pre-op and now I have to learn how to live with them post-op with a tiny pouch! I'm thinking of you!
I am soo soooo sorry to hear you are having problems. I know it is easier said than done, but be strong; hang in there! There is a light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak). It will be all worth it in the long run! Like Jennifer said, I believe in you!!! You have such great energy and such a positive uplifting attitude and with that you can do anything!
I am here if you would ike to talk!!!
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none believe it!
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none believe it!
Pam, I can't wait to see you on Saturday to get a real-life hug! I am hanging in there, trying to be strong and not a big cry-baby. lol Shelia told me in an email this morning to remember the release of hormones post-op and I was like, "Ohhhh yeahhhh!" You are so right about it all being worth it in the long run. Figuring this out and then going on to live a happy, healthy life...that is my goal. Now, just to get it all figured out! lol See you soon!
You are welcome miss shauna. I don't have alot of advice as I am still learning as I go as well, but i think the nut is a good direction to go in since you are having the food issues. I wish you the best and hope yout strips come off soon so you wont have the pain and itching. Keep us posted girly :o)
Thanks again, Polly. Sometimes just knowing people care and sympathize is as good as any advice! Waiting to hear back from my nut today and I am no longer having to deal with the pain and itching from those strips. Whew! It's amazing how much better that feels now that they are off. Your one-month post-op photos look great, btw...I can really tell a difference!