More Jacksonville Christmas Info
A few people have asked if we are going to do anything for our devoted waiter, Cory. Since I'm the one who announced the gift exchange, I will be the one to throw this idea out there too. I am going to be taking up a Christmas donation to give to Cory, and if everyone who attends could pleaseee donate $5 towards it, I am sure it will make his Christmas. I figure it would show our great appreciation for a great waiter who not only gives us wonderful service, but caters to our crazy menu's and does it with a smile! I think I would have hid after the first time serving us! I'm going to try to find an appropriate card for him this weekend. I hope this idea goes over well, I know it's Christmas and every cent counts, believe me, I AM SO THERE!!
Also, just a reminder........we have our gift exchange that night also. If you would like to participate in this, bring a wrapped gift, ($10) with you that night. It is sure to be a good time. Hope everyone can make it. Thanks guys/gals!
nancy noodle