Pre-op done today.
I met my surgeon, had my preop, am on my liquid fast now, and I"m on my way. Yeay!!! I'm just ready to get this surgery part over with. I'm a little nervous, but ready to do this.
One little glitch - my 6 year old announced to my sister when she called tonight I was having surgery on Dec. 1st.
My family knows someone who died many years ago from wls, they freaked out once when I mentioned it, and also my brother has terminal cancer and I don't want to add to my moms worry levels. I know for a fact they would all call (I have 5 siblings!) and try to talk me out of it. I'm at peace right now and just don't need that this week. Any Advice?
I don't mind telling them once the surgery is over, after the fact. I just want peace and to not worry my family initially.
I can't believe I'm actually doing this! I just need to keep myself distracted all week so I won't freak out myself.
Thanks for listening!
Hi Vickie,
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I'm sure that you will do well.
I think that you need to take care of yourself. I don't know that I would lie to anyone about your upcoming surgery, so maybe avoidance is the best tactic. However, if your mother becomes very concerned and agitated, you might want to communicate with her lovingly, in writing if you can't talk with her. While I can appreciate your not wanting to 'deal' with the family, if you are concerned about her stress level, I think that a personal, heartfelt note might help some.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I know how you feel about the family thing. My mom is my support person so we are good. However, the rest of my family does not know. I have prayed and thought and prayed some more over this. I am at peace with not letting the whole family in on MY DECISION because 1) it is my decision 2) I am doing this for me and no one else 3) and frankly I did not want to hear any backlash from them. I have researched this and done my homework! I know the risks (as low as they are) and I know without this surgery I will never get to the point I need to be!
Good luck with your journey. My pre-op is next Thursday and my surgery is scheduled for December 17th.
Keep us posted!!
If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none believe it!
First of all, Big Ol' !!! Having just been through this, I am sooo excited for you!!!
My advice on the family issue is to do what you need to do to keep yourself at peace. If that means avoidance until after it is over, then you need to do just that. You have less than a week to go. Would that be very difficult to pull off?
I have to tell you, I was right with you in that I could not believe I was actually going to have the surgery! Pulling out of the hospital parking lot on Sunday I looked at my husband and said, "Wow! I did it! I am just sooooo glad I did it!" And I am. All those fears I had prior, all the anxieties, there was just no need for them. I'm now so happy to be on the other side so I don't even have to think about those things anymore!
If there is anything I can do to help you through this week, just say the word. I found that keeping distracted was the best medicine for me and one distraction was that I posted a lot more here on the forum. Indulge if you'd like and let us carry you through it! We are here for you!
I think I will screen phone calls this week. I will probably call to wish my parents a Happy Thanksgiving. But who knows - mabye I'll wait.
I have a hard time keeping up on all the posts. Having 2 little ones, the only time I get to check online is after they're tucked in. Is there a trick to it? Do you click on "recent posts" to keep up?
Congrats Shauna!!!!!
How I keep up with posts is that I have replies come into my email box. This one from you just chimed in my box, so I clicked on it and now I can reply to you. Just because I'm replying to this one post doesn't mean I'm reading the entire board, make sense?
Also, someone helped me at the beginning to go to User Settings, Default View Preference, and check "Topics with most recent posts first." That makes things go so much easier when trying to catch up. If you haven't got yours set up that way, do it, you'll be so glad you did!
I'm still tired and fuzzy-minded, so reading and replying took me awhile longer today, but it feels great to just kick back in the recliner to read and post. I'm nowhere near able to write my hospital experience yet but I still have it on my to-do list.