Update on my dad
I truly like the idea of an apartment setting - it gives a sense to reality and a way to determine what your parents will be able to do on their own. Does your mother drive? And can she manage to help with showers and other rehab ie: physical therapy?? How old is your mom? It is wonderful that at the young age of 79 that he is doing so well.
You are still in my prayers - please keep in touch.
My mom is 76 and in great physical shape. She doesn't like to drive but started to get behind the wheel about a month ago which is great. Her and my dad live with my sis and bro-in-law in Michigan. They lived in Florida until about 3 years ago when we told them it was time to move back to MI with my sis or NC with us. They chose MI since my dad has brothers up there and my other sister lives there also. They came close to buying a condo across the street from my sis about 6 months ago and my sis talked them out of it which mom is now happy about. They have come down and spent the first winter with us, in Feb when i had my surgery, they came down for 6 weeks. They are afraid to come down for much longer as dad is to attached to his docs and feel like no one else can help him (old ppl and their docs can be a pain). My sis will be 55 next Monday and in June, she was offered a buyout with a year salary up front and then she starts to collect her pension next month so that has also worked out wonderful as she goes to the hospital with my mom.
Thanks for the continued prayers,