I'm still having trouble trusting my weight loss ... xpost
My husband and I have been married for over 30 years and we were High School sweethearts. In high school I was overweight and by the time we got married I was obese and over the years became morbidly obese and stayed that way until my recent memorphosis. My husband has always 'chased' me 'round the room, but this morning while I was putting lotion on my legs I told him that I wanted to ask him a question. I told him it wasn't loaded and there weren't any right or wrong answers; then, I took a deep breath and asked, "I know that physically I've changed a great deal in the last year resulting in a slimmer me, but with a LOT of extra skin." So then I asked, "Did you find me more attractive before or now?" He said, that I know that he found me attractive before and he still does now. He said that he's still getting used the new Barb. He said that he had 35 years with the rounder version of me and only a few months with the newer, trimmer version and it's still taking some getting used to. I can understand that, because I'm still getting used to me too. He also said that regardless of the package, that he loved me and finds the person that I am beautiful.
I think it might just marry him again!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
You are so right. He's a keeper.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
It's great to know that you have a guy who love 'you' and not just the package that you come in...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Lisa,
I'm sure you are right that we both will have excess skin issues ... Hence, changing our last name to 'Sharpei.' I'll love him no matter, just as he does me.
Thanks for the kudos ... I'm looking forward to the next 30 years.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I know where you are coming from. I never understood how Donnie could love someone who looked like me. But he does...he says he would rather me not get to skinny but I'm sure he could get use to that also. I don't think loosing too much weight will be a problem for me anyway. It is hard to grasp how a man could love and be passonate about a 334 lb woman but he was. I was 240 when we got married and about 180 when we met. I have always been amazed at his love for me. Your husband sounds like the same type of guy. We must have something that shines through what ever covering we have .....whether it is a thick cover or thin cover. I will not marry him again......I will just never turn loose of him. We will be married 29 years Jan 25th
Arn't we lucky!!!
You are so right. We definitely are lucky ... and blessed.
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Ben and I celebrated our 31st August 7th of this year.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145