Duke WLS #2
I took everyones advice and called and checked on my application. They told me they were in the process of moving the offices and were only making appointments for locals. They said they would start making appointments for out of state folks like me after they got moved. They said they were not sure when they start back making appointments. Can anyone give me a name of someone who works there that knows whats going on that can help me. I have made my deductable's for the year and would love to at least get all the pre-op tests before the first of the year.
You can call and let them know that you want a checklist of the pre-op tests that you would need to have. I imagine that some are common to most and some might be specific, but maybe you can get the one that are common to all done, like an EKG, arterial blood gas, sleep apnea test, barium swallow...
I hope that helps some.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145