WLS and Sleep Apnea
Hi Lori,
Was your sleep study broken down into 2 parts - Part1 - you sleep at the lab for the intial testing. Part2 - they diagnose you and then bring you back in for another sleep to determine what your pressure setting needs to be? The reason I ask is because you said you have a 2nd follow-up to determine if you need a 2nd study. I had my sleep study in the spring and recevied my machine shortly thereafter. I have mild apnea and am on a pressure setting of 6. At first it was way wierd!!!! (I detail my sleep study experience in my OH blog....if you need a laugh!) I am now used to it with the exception of air leaks b/c I'm a wild sleeper. Let me echo the others who have posted. ....please, please, please use your machine. If you're going through your insurance company and the surgeon may ask for proof. I know all machines are different but mine has 3 different values it captures: How long it's on w/o the fan, how long it's own with the fan running and how long it's actually being "used" - it can tell when you're breathing in & out. So for me I can't just turn it on without actually using it. So if Aetna ever requested the information and the #'s don't add up, they could refuse to pay. Additionally, apnea and anesthesiology apparently don't mix. According to my surgeon apnea sufferers are oftentimes a little slower to come out of anesthesia which is why they want is diagnosed before surgery. I know I have to bring my machine with me on my surgery day.......you may have to and I'd hate for you to be that uncomfortable after surgery- trying to deal with a cpap and recovery :) Here's a suggestion for you, try wearing the machine while you're watching TV during the day or evening. I'd get in the bed about 45minutes before I normally go and I'd sit up with it on and running and watch TV until I fell asleep. Good luck and let me know if I can offer any more suggestions!
Was your sleep study broken down into 2 parts - Part1 - you sleep at the lab for the intial testing. Part2 - they diagnose you and then bring you back in for another sleep to determine what your pressure setting needs to be? The reason I ask is because you said you have a 2nd follow-up to determine if you need a 2nd study. I had my sleep study in the spring and recevied my machine shortly thereafter. I have mild apnea and am on a pressure setting of 6. At first it was way wierd!!!! (I detail my sleep study experience in my OH blog....if you need a laugh!) I am now used to it with the exception of air leaks b/c I'm a wild sleeper. Let me echo the others who have posted. ....please, please, please use your machine. If you're going through your insurance company and the surgeon may ask for proof. I know all machines are different but mine has 3 different values it captures: How long it's on w/o the fan, how long it's own with the fan running and how long it's actually being "used" - it can tell when you're breathing in & out. So for me I can't just turn it on without actually using it. So if Aetna ever requested the information and the #'s don't add up, they could refuse to pay. Additionally, apnea and anesthesiology apparently don't mix. According to my surgeon apnea sufferers are oftentimes a little slower to come out of anesthesia which is why they want is diagnosed before surgery. I know I have to bring my machine with me on my surgery day.......you may have to and I'd hate for you to be that uncomfortable after surgery- trying to deal with a cpap and recovery :) Here's a suggestion for you, try wearing the machine while you're watching TV during the day or evening. I'd get in the bed about 45minutes before I normally go and I'd sit up with it on and running and watch TV until I fell asleep. Good luck and let me know if I can offer any more suggestions!
Hi, Tammy ...
Thanks so much for your kind words and suggestions.
Yes, my study appears to be split into two parts. My first night in the sleep lab was on Sept 24th; appt with sleep dr.'s nurse practioner on 10/15 with second night in lab on 10/22. It's my understanding NP will review the downloaded info from the CPAP and we'll see where I'm at and if I need to go on 10/22.
When I met with the sleep dr on my initial appt, he said it was important to know if I had sleep apnea as it would or could affect anesthesia and the anesthesiologist would need this information.
I'm just really, really, having difficulting getting use to this apparatus on my face ... and, it scares me when I awaken in the middle of the night gasping for air. I'm sure the NP will help me with this next week. I'm really trying hard to make this work, I just don't want to purchase a machine (and they are expensive), if 10-12 weeks after surgery I'm not going to need it. I know BCBSNC will pay for part of it ... I'm just trying to get a handle on all this ... and, I sure wasn't expecting this to be an issue.
Thanks so much ... please keep in touch - you had great info to share ...
Thanks so much for your kind words and suggestions.
Yes, my study appears to be split into two parts. My first night in the sleep lab was on Sept 24th; appt with sleep dr.'s nurse practioner on 10/15 with second night in lab on 10/22. It's my understanding NP will review the downloaded info from the CPAP and we'll see where I'm at and if I need to go on 10/22.
When I met with the sleep dr on my initial appt, he said it was important to know if I had sleep apnea as it would or could affect anesthesia and the anesthesiologist would need this information.
I'm just really, really, having difficulting getting use to this apparatus on my face ... and, it scares me when I awaken in the middle of the night gasping for air. I'm sure the NP will help me with this next week. I'm really trying hard to make this work, I just don't want to purchase a machine (and they are expensive), if 10-12 weeks after surgery I'm not going to need it. I know BCBSNC will pay for part of it ... I'm just trying to get a handle on all this ... and, I sure wasn't expecting this to be an issue.
Thanks so much ... please keep in touch - you had great info to share ...
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful suggestions! My CPAP is a relatively new model, with all the bells and whistles - it records how many days and hours it's been used and it automatically adjusts the pressure settings. I understand I will receive a small chip, similiar to a flash drive to download its use and I'm supposed to take to the unit with me to my follow-up appt on 10/15.
Last night I wore the mask and had the CPAP running while I was watching tv and fell asleep for a short while and then was up until 2 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I removed the mask and slept until the dogs (read my blog, I have Collies) were ready to go out.
My mask is small - fits only in my nostrils so it's lightweight. Most of the weight is in the tubing. I typically sleep on my side and this mask moves when I roll from my back to my side.
I'll work through it ... it feels weird and I really can't afford for it (CPAP) to impair what little rest I do get. [I'm usually up by 5 (rotating the dogs) and then out the door to work by 7:45 am - don't get home until 7 pm, change clothes and then out to do doggie chores (plus, just adopted kitten and it's mother - so they are in the mix), back in the house between 8 and 8:30 to care for the felines and try to get in bed and asleep by 11 pm.]
Ok ... thanks for all the advice ... I'll keep you posted as to how it works out.
Last night I wore the mask and had the CPAP running while I was watching tv and fell asleep for a short while and then was up until 2 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I removed the mask and slept until the dogs (read my blog, I have Collies) were ready to go out.
My mask is small - fits only in my nostrils so it's lightweight. Most of the weight is in the tubing. I typically sleep on my side and this mask moves when I roll from my back to my side.
I'll work through it ... it feels weird and I really can't afford for it (CPAP) to impair what little rest I do get. [I'm usually up by 5 (rotating the dogs) and then out the door to work by 7:45 am - don't get home until 7 pm, change clothes and then out to do doggie chores (plus, just adopted kitten and it's mother - so they are in the mix), back in the house between 8 and 8:30 to care for the felines and try to get in bed and asleep by 11 pm.]
Ok ... thanks for all the advice ... I'll keep you posted as to how it works out.