For the Diabetic's
i am about eight weeks out and still using just a tiny bit of insulin rather than the huge amounts. I think it will taper down more longer down the road. My sugars right after surgery were a bit more than I expected but now I need insulin only as a rule once or twice every three days. The stabilization has gotten better but not gone away. I think some of us get the idea that the insulin issue will go poof the day after surgery but it is still around for me though much better than it ever was. I am so much more stabilized than prior to the surgery where I was taking 200 units a day of long term insulin and up to 80 units of fast acting insulin. I now take maybe 30 units at a time only if the numbers are over 150 of the long term and then it may stabilize for another day until I have to take a little bit more on day three or four. Give it some time and it may well get alot better than you ever dreamed.