Prayers Please
Well the wheezing is still pretty bad and looks like I'm going to be heading back to the doctor, just got off the phone with the nurse and she said for me to call her back at 3:30pm and tell her how I'm feeling. Alot of the fluid has went down and the chest x-ray didn't show any fluid building up so that's good so I think its the Sarcoid or Asthma acting up or that I wasn't completely over the sinus infection that I had before the surgery. Anyway I'll keep everybody informed, please pray I don't end back up in the hospital. I hate hospitals. I thought I was suppose to be getting better here but so far I'm not and my sugars are still running a little high but not taking as much insulin. Thanks for letting me vent.
Hi Cindy,
I'm sorry to hear that you are continuing to struggle, but I'm glad that your medical team is working with you to ensure your health.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145