this post is for you - please read
While reading the supportive replies to my post last night, I remembered (for the umpteenth time) how wonderful the people on this board are. You all are so supportive, in good times and not so good times.
So please accept this post as a thank you to each of you, not only from myself but from all the rest of us on the board, too. YOU make this place so safe and uplifting; YOU are directly responsible for someone working their plan one more day, doing one more step, leg lift, crunch; YOU are the one who makes that next person find the right weight loss plan which saves their life. YOU, yes YOU! Go look in the mirror right now (unless you're driving in which case you shouldn't be reading this! ) But really, go look in the mirror and say "I made a difference in someone's life" and then give yourself a big hug. And accept my profound thanks for your willingness to be in my life.
God bless,
I appreciate the post and I think we all need to look in our mirrors everyday and tell ourselves how wonderful we all truly are. We so often forget to "love" oursleves!
Take care and have a great one!
P.S. I love the new avie. I had to scroll down to your last post and see if that was you! Fantastic job you are doing!!!!!!
You are such a sweet, thoughtful, caring person and your post is the direct reflection of that. Thank you for taking the time to create this thread and I echo your sentiments. I truly appreciate the friendship and support that I have come to know and rely on here on this forum.
Thanks agian,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145