Vitamin Tidbits of the Day
Trying to keep my mind occupied.. a very dear friend of mine is in critical care.
To increase iron absorption, iron should be taken with zinc.
(Edited: But not at the same time. Just in the same day.)
"In one Japanese study, Dr. Soruku Nishiyama, of Kumamota University School of Medicine demonstrated that '...supplementing with both minerals (zinc and iron) is more effective than either alone...and that some prenatal anemia is due to a deficiency of zinc, not iron.
In this study, Dr. Nishiyama placed 38 pregnant women into three groups: 11 took 34 mg/day zinc, 10 received 100mg iron, and 17 took both supplements for eight weeks. Taking either zinc or iron alone did not change the average RBC counts, but the combination did; it also raised average hemoglobin levels from 10.3 to 11.0g/dL."
"High doses of supplemental zinc can interfere with copper utilization. This imbalance in copper can lead to impaired metabolism or iron because iron cannot be transported or utilized without copper. Therefore a copper deficiency results in iron deficiency anemia. High levels of zinc, iron, calcium and manganese interfere with copper absorption. Deficiencies in copper can result in auditory hallucinaions, depression and may contribute to binge and purge eating disorders.
The optimal ratio of zinc to copper is 10:1 or 10 miligrams of zinc to 1 milligram of copper."
Source: Iron Disorders Institute
Thanks so much, Sweetie! It's all about passing it on! (And I really love this new avatar!)
And carbonyl iron (which is that type) is actually elemental iron. It's not a salt like the fumarte, sulfate, or glucanate.
And thank you for this help as I tweak my supplements here!
I'm really not sure about the calcium and C. I know that carbonate requires a fair amount of hydrocholric acid and other gastric juices to absorb. I do not know if there is enough acidity in the C (which is ascorbic acid) in order to help things out or not.
I'll look into it and see if I can find any definative answers.
Great info Andrea ...
People should be sure to consult their Dr. before take iron though. It can be toxic and it absolutely contra-indicated for some of us. Sooooo, be sure to check with your Dr to ensure that you need the iron and if so how much before taking it or any supplement.
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