Leaving for the hospital
Its 7:20am and I think yesterday had to have been the longest day lol. Well hope I'm not in trouble when I get to the hospital but my blood sugar droped to the middle 50's around 2am and here I am not suppose to be drinking or eating anything after midnight, so I'm like I have to have something ,well I had some light white apple-cranberry juice which has only 10 grams of sugar and drank it and waited a little while and my sugar went up by one point so I took about 3 glucose tablets and waited a few minutes and my sugar went up to 140 so that was good.So my son doesnt' get here until 3am so I got in bed at 3:15 and slept until my alarm went off at 6:30am and was feeling kinda funny so took my sugar and its back down to 56 again so I'm like well I'm not taking anything until I get to the hospital. So I guess I'm a little worried by me having the fix if its going to matter, but if I hadn't took it I might be in a coma this morning because it would have to continue to drop. So anyway I'm a little nervous about what is going to happen this morning since I didn't follow directions to a T. Please say a prayer that it will all be right.
Hi Cindy,
I'm sure that your Dr's will assess your condition and will do what's in your best interest. I look forward to hearing how you are doing.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145