Charlotte - South Side Support 9/30
For those of us on the south side of Charlotte that are finding it too difficult to drive into Uptown once a month, we've decided to get together and offer each other support!
Meetup Date: Tuesday, September 30th
Location: Panera Bread in Ballantyne Village
Tim: 7:00 pm
Purpose: Meet others in this area that face our particular challenges and joys
If you will be able to join us, please PM to me by the 28th so I'll know how many seats to reserve -- I'll try to get a place in the back around the fireplace (wouldn't it be great if we needed it!).
Meetup Date: Tuesday, September 30th
Location: Panera Bread in Ballantyne Village
Tim: 7:00 pm
Purpose: Meet others in this area that face our particular challenges and joys
If you will be able to join us, please PM to me by the 28th so I'll know how many seats to reserve -- I'll try to get a place in the back around the fireplace (wouldn't it be great if we needed it!).