When It Rains, It DOES Pour! (long)

on 9/17/08 10:09 pm - Black Mountain, NC

Thanks so much for the PM’s. This week has been a doozie! My replies have been short and sweet because it’s just all been so much to handle, but here’s the full explanation of what I’ve been up to…

It all started on Friday night when our very expensive Sealy Posturpedic pyramid air bed, which we sleep on for my sciatica, ripped a seam and we went to the floor with an instantaneous THUD! It was so hilarious, we laughed for a good 20 minutes before climbing in bed with our children to finish out the night. I got 3 hours of sleep!

Then it was off to Sears to purchase a new bed and on to Lowes to make a HUGE purchase for our house remodel. Ends up the one Lowes didn’t have everything we needed so we went to another Lowes to finish up where their security measures would not take our debit card nor check even though I had triple the amount we were spending in the bank. Ughhh! Before the 2nd Lowes trip, our 8yo son had called crying wanting us home, we were exhausted, gas was $4.50/gallon and scarce, so it just sucked that it ended up a wasted trip. Heck, hubby had even loaded NINE new windows in the truck while I was paying. So we unloaded those and went home to unload the trailer of other stuff.

No sooner than we set up and got crawled into our new bed (did I mention *exhausted?!), our 20 year old daughter called. She and 5 friends were stuck at the WNC state fair because the car she just bought that week would not start. It took an hour of anxious waiting by the phone before we knew they had a ride large enough to pick them all up and that we didn’t have to make the long drive to go get our daughter.

Sunday morning we started on working on the deck remodel and got a call that the same daughter had fainted in a church parking lot. The last time I got changed so quickly was the night of her car accident! We rushed there just in time for her to be coming around and then took her back home with us. I think it was the culmination of all the stress she’s been under and lack of eating. She spent the day here, mostly sleeping, and was totally better.

In the meantime, while disassembling part of the deck for new decking, we found that the entire 42’x12’ of it has to come down to replace the ledger board which connects it to the house and that most of the railing components need replaced as well! Man, what a job.

So, by the end of the weekend, with several other stressors factored in (you wouldn‘t believe it all if I could type it!), I was starting to feel pretty blue. We hadn’t budgeted all those trees having to come down before we could start the remodeling work, we certainly hadn’t budgeted for a new bed, and we definitely hadn’t budgeted for such an extensive deck renovation. That has now taken away the amount of money we had planned on using to finish the interior of the house, but thankfully all the exterior can be finished and we have most of those materials already.

Monday came and I was left home alone feeling very stressed, to say the least. THEN, hubby came home from work that evening and announced that the week vacation time he thought he had leftover this year actually isn’t available until January 1st, not September 11th (his anniversary) like he thought it was. This was the vacation time that he was going to take for the week of my post-op recovery. I spend around 2 hours a day in the car taking care of all their school/athletic activities this time of year and there is no one else to do it! What on earth were we going to do?

Then it hit me…I can’t do this right now. I cannot take the time-out needed and spend the money on this surgery RIGHT NOW. I need to just keep taking my new thyroid medication, stay on my new vegetarian diet for my IBS, go ahead and join the gym like I was going to for post-op workouts and start working out as best as my sciatica will allow me, spend the money that I am sitting on to pay for my surgery to finish our house, take care of my family, and just see what happens!

So, the next day, I called and let the clinic and the psych’s office know, I was putting everything on hold.

Then, I started crying. I cried and cried and cried. I don’t remember when I’ve cried that hard. It had been a long time!  I was grieving because I just knew I was going to be sitting here, a year from now, not at goal weight, but still in the same miserable shape I am sitting here in now instead.  I felt like I had lost my one last shred of hope for normalcy. 

It was finally getting close to time to go do my afternoon rounds with the kiddos and I just couldn’t pull myself together. Called my husband at work in hysterics and he was like, “Whoa! First of all, I am not going to let you not put yourself first for once in your life. We will figure everything else out. I want us to hang up, you call the psych’s office and get that appointment back and I will call the clinic to let them know what is going on.” So that is what we did. I pulled it together long enough to speak with the psych’s office, somewhat legibly I think, and then I was back to snuffing when the gal from the clinic called me after speaking to my hubby. Bless that sweet woman for her TLC!

It’s just so sad that instead of spending today with my husband going to the psych consult and then the support group tonight, I have to wait until next Friday now for the psych consult because my appointment had already been taken. We do still plan on going to the support group tonight, as long as we can get gas to get there this afternoon!

I am still waiting to have peace again about the decision to have the RNY. Where I had felt so elated about it, I now feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Hopefully I will feel more optimistic soon!

Barbara C.
on 9/17/08 10:20 pm - Raleigh, NC


I'm so sorry for your travails, but delighted that you have such a loving, caring husband who is taking care of you so that you can take care of you. I know it's hard to put yourself first, I have a similar issue, but remember that as you put yourself first, you are taking care of everyone else as you take care of you.

I look forward to hearing that you have had your psych appointment and how things are going.



ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 9/18/08 12:26 am - Black Mountain, NC

Thank you, Barb.  I don't know what I'd do without my hubby.  He definitely is the one person who takes care of me...I know I sure don't! 

I have told myself for years that I have to take care of the one person who takes care of everyone else...me...but I have the hardest time following through with it.  Since we are such kindred spirits, I can well imagine you battle the same thing. 

I will definitely let you know how things go at my psych visit next Friday. 

How is Sarah doing???  I was heartsick when I heard about her fall. 

Barbara C.
on 9/19/08 1:22 pm - Raleigh, NC

Hi Shauna,

Yes, I do know what you mean...

Sarah is doing well. Thank you for asking. Her appointment with her surgeon went very well. She's considering having the other leg done, but it will probably be next year before she does it.

Do the best you can to take care of you and remember you are taking care of them when you take care of you ... I know, I know, easier said than done, but try anyway ;-)


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 9/17/08 10:31 pm - Richlands, NC
When it rains it DOES pour!!! it always works out that way and you have dealt with a lot this week!! Im glad your hubby is supportive an helping you along! he sounds like mine your house and family will work itself out, I dont think anything will hold a strong person like you back for getting what you want done. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and hope all your appointments go through and you get to have your surgery soon Best of luck to you on all the projects and things you have going on in your life.


on 9/18/08 12:33 am - Black Mountain, NC

My daughter told me on the phone a moment ago that she'd read a quote last night that said, "When it rains...dance in it."  Well I'm going to have to kick up my heels in a monsoon, I suppose! 

When I'm weak, I am ever grateful that I have my hubby's strength to fall back on.  So glad you have the same...it's truly priceless, isn't it?  (And a Porsche Spider doesn't hurt!  hehe) 

Thanks for your good luck wishes!  I will keep you posted. 

on 9/17/08 10:34 pm - NM
Just think of all the energy you will have after recovering from your surgery to help with that house and big busy family you have. When you feel better they will benefit from it too. I am so glad your hubby is such a wonderful man that sees what you need. He needs you to be healthy and he knows that if you are you will be rareing to go with everything. DO you have a family member that can come for a week or two to help with the kids and driving? I stayed with my daughter's family when she had her hysterectomy for two weeks to cook and drive and whatever else she needed me to do. Maybe you have someone who would be happy to do that for you.

Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!

on 9/18/08 12:43 am - Black Mountain, NC
Ann,  Thanks so much for helping me to focus on the future ENERGY I will be able to enjoy!  To regain my optimism...the excitement and peace I was feeling about my decision...I need to refocus on all the things I had been...not the worries that have crept up.  I know the energy I read about everyone experiencing post-op is going to work wonders for me and my family. 

We don't have anyone else that can come help but my daughter did say on the phone just a little bit ago that she can probably work something out with her employer so she can help with her younger sibling's afternoon stuff for a week or two.  Hubby is also going to try to get that 1 week off a couple of months early.  The rule about when it can be taken changes everytime he inquires about it.  (It's always either the year starting on your anniversary or the calendar year starting in January!)  I surely will be able to pick back up by 2 weeks post-op.  {fingers crossed!}

You only have 4 days to go until your surgery!  How are you feeling?!

on 9/18/08 1:28 am - NM
TOday I am doing pretty well with our car needing repair and payday errands keeping me distracted. We will worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
Love you Shauna.

Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!

on 9/17/08 10:34 pm - Pittsboro, NC

You have been in my thoughts and have wondered where you were.
I see your plate has been full.
I cant even begin to tell you the depression I went through just waiting for a surgery date.
It took three years of waiting and calling and faxing.
Sounds like to me you have an incredible husband who is very understanding and supportive.
I know where your heart is it is with your family and your home.
The other night at the UNC support group it was one of the best I have ever been too.
We did not have a speaker but we just all had a chance to talk.
So I hope you can get to your meeting tonight.
The topic of self esteem came up and I had to make a point about what I have found to be very true since surgery and that was being a obese person for X number of years we always feel we have to take second best.
Guess what Anniep dosent have to take second best any more and you dont either.
My advice is follow your husbands lead and have your surgery.
Lee always tells me things have a way of working out.
Maybe it is fate that it does but it usally works out in the end.
Shauna I say go for the prize and dont  stop till you have it.
We are very lucky to live in this time with all the medical advancements and wls is one of those advancments.
If you want to talk on the phone I can give you a call around 1pm today I need your number again.


It is never too late to be what you might have been.?
















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