Not feeling well
I've not been feeling to good for the last few days but I have let myself get under alot of stress so I don't know if that can make me have a cough and phelgm (spell) coming up. I do have asthma and sarcoid but not having trouble breathing, just feels like its in my thoart. It could be my sinus draining and I had this same problem a couple months ago had a cat scan done on my sinus and all was fine. I'm taking my nasal spray and other meds I take for it. I know it could be weather related because its been really hot and humid here but the next few days is suppose to be cooler. I'm just freaking out because I've got less than two weeks to surgery and I don't want to be sick and it get postponed ya know. Guess I just wanted to vent, thanks for listening. Please pray I'm not sick for surgery.
FIrst of all, it's nice to meet you. I'm one of the oldtimer/regulars on this forum, but have been MIA for a few weeks. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery.
I would suggest a call to your PCP and your surgeon. Have the PCP check you out and see if you have an infection that can/needs to be addressed. Call your surgeon's office and let them know what's up and see if they have any suggestions. As you know, it wouldn't be safe and your surgeon's office won't proceed if you are ill when it's time for surgery, so let them know that you have an issue now so that they can help you get it resolved so that you'll be healthy and ready to go in a couple of weeks.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm so sorry you've not been feeling well. I understand your "freaking out" with just 2 weeks to go. I was a nervous wrec****il the day of my surgery when I was finally able to settle down enough to relax before my wls. I will keep praying for you. You will be fine. I know you have a lot to do and think about right now. Just try to relax and take care of yourself the best you can. Looking forward to seeing you on the bench!


Also just talked with the nurse at Dr. Miles office and I'm having a IVC filter put in at 8am on Monday and my pre opt with him on Tuesday and then all the other test that I have to do before the surgery on the 29th so really want to feel better.