OT - on LinkedIn?
Hi all! I just found Aunt DeeDee on Linked In and realized many of you may also be there.
In case you're not famliar with it - LinkedIn is a professional level Facebook. It is used to network with folks in a business setting. It's great for folks who are employed, used to be employed, want to be employed, are self employed, used to be self employed, want to be self employed, anybody who deals with the grown up world of work. It works on the 6 degrees of separation theory. (As it was explained to me, if I know 100 people, and each of them know 100 different people, and each of them know 100 different people, and each of them know 100 different people, etc., by the time you get six levels away, I would have a connection with everyoe in the world).
It makes a huge difference to have a mutual acquaintance if you want to meet someone, and this provides a forum to find out who knows the people you know.
Anyway - if you would like to connect with me, my profile is http://www.linkedin.com/in/robinweber - Make sure to tell me in your note who you are at OH so I recognize you and can accept your invite, ok?
In case you're not famliar with it - LinkedIn is a professional level Facebook. It is used to network with folks in a business setting. It's great for folks who are employed, used to be employed, want to be employed, are self employed, used to be self employed, want to be self employed, anybody who deals with the grown up world of work. It works on the 6 degrees of separation theory. (As it was explained to me, if I know 100 people, and each of them know 100 different people, and each of them know 100 different people, and each of them know 100 different people, etc., by the time you get six levels away, I would have a connection with everyoe in the world).
It makes a huge difference to have a mutual acquaintance if you want to meet someone, and this provides a forum to find out who knows the people you know.
Anyway - if you would like to connect with me, my profile is http://www.linkedin.com/in/robinweber - Make sure to tell me in your note who you are at OH so I recognize you and can accept your invite, ok?