Fluid Retention
Hope this message doesn't show up twice....it disappeared as i was typing.
Like you before my RNY, my legs would swell like my grandmothers used to. I would depress an area and would be left with dents in my lower legs and ankles. I have always drank 4 bottles of water a day so knew i was flushing myself out but i retained, especially after certain foods or during my cycle.
Since my surgery, I no longer have a problem with it, even when i am outside and on my feet all day. It is truly amazing how our bodies function afterwards. I wish you the same blessing I have received. No bp meds, lower & healthy cholesterol numbers, no water retention, no more GERD, etc.
I still retain about 3 lbs when i do get a cycle which isn't often since i am in menopause. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
Hi Cindy,
I'm not sure if your water retention issues will be a problem for you after WLS, but I doubt it. I would definitely talk with your surgeon's office about it; they will be able to guide you as to the best solutions. In general, I am sure that you will find that many of your ailments will resolve themselves as your body undergoes the incredible metamorphosis that is ahead of you.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I know all about fluid retension.
It is a misrable feeling to have your feet,hands and legs so tight with fluid.
I also have lyphadema(sp) in my legs but I have noticed my legs are not as tight anymore.
For me lts of the fluid problem before surgery corrected itself within a short time.
Have a blessed day!
I cant remeber the name of the insulin I was on before surgery maybe it was lantus but anyway it made my legs swell so bad I could hardly get my legs in the car.
Since my surgey my diabetes has been in remission.
Also I think the swelling has alot to do with circulation.
Latly I have noticed my feet get sooo darn hot I cant stand it.
Before my feet were always ice cold to the point of having to use an electric blanket in the summer.