Oh yeah? Take THAT!
Now for all of you who think that I am an absolute goofball for posting that I have not only taken back off the 2 pounds gained...but I've taken off another 0.4 pounds as well... Well, you're probably right.

And no, it's not the Benedryl talking this time.

It's just that I am sooo relieved that after almost 2 weeks, I've finally reigned myself back in and am back on track!

Couldn't wait to come online to change my numbers FINALLY and to share my happy day!
Have to hop in the shower right now, as it's a BUSY happy day! Have to cook ziti to take to my son's school for a teacher's luncheon. It's early release here so when I drop the ziti off I'm taking a bag of snacks for the teacher to stockpile for my son's class, then it's off with him in tow to pick up my daughter at the HS. She has to be back later to sell tickets at the JV football game this evening for Student Government. Hopefully sometime between all that I will get some time to get on here to read and post. It's gonna be a Calgon day!

For now, a quick shower's gonna have to do! Thinking of you all. Have a good one, my dears!

But making the commitment is a definite part of this WLS journey and we have to make the commitement to ourselves. Yes I understand about having children and grandchildren and work that we don't do what we need for US. So I have even put some little slogans around the house that remind me I am important, and that planning is part of takng care of me, and one that says - get off the computer and get on the treadmill.... Yuk to that one ! LOL
Thank yu for the lovely compliment and I know that you are going to do fine with your journey. You have determination and a lot of people to turn to for support.
Love ya,
I am ALWAYS ready for another meetup! Since my schedule is a bit freer, you ladies let me know what days/times are best for you and I will post/send out the invite. Where would you like to meet this time?
I have seriously been considering making a once-a-month Black Mountain meetup one of these days, perhaps once I am post-op and feeling strong. What do you think? I know several in the community that have undergone WLS that aren't a part of this forum that I would gladly invite. Just a thought!
I would strongly support a monthly Black Mountain meet up. Neither Hickory nor Mission groups are convenient for me with kids and schedules, so I'd love if we could figure out a day that works for a majority! Whaddaya think?
Diane, I went to the Dripolator with my son last night after dinner at Thai Basil. Yummy! I stayed good, sharing tofu Thai Pad and tofu Sweet & Sour with him...we brought half home for lunch leftovers today...then had a iced decaf with soy and Splenda along with bites of a mint brownie. I felt like I did really good and my weight didn't go up today either. ha!
Anyway! I will email you about the possibility about a monthly Black Mountain meetup and am going to make some calls today about possible venues. I want to talk with Barbara for some advice also because she is so experienced in this area. Look for an email from me here in a little bit after I make some calls! Maybe we can schedule the first one soon? I know I would like to try to schedule it around the Hickory and Mission support groups. I will most likely attend most of them for awhile!