Still in CA for another week and...
Hi All,
I was running around like a nut trying to get stuff done yesterday when it dawned on me that I could just push back my return to NC by a week and be able to do what I needed to do. My inlaws are having their bathroom remodeled and need help getting everything ready. I was trying to get it all together and was trouble get it all done. I'm staying here until 9/16, then heading to NYC 9/17 for an appointment with Sarah's surgeon. We'll be back in NC 9/20 and Sarah will start school on 9/22.
Ben flew back to NC today and he'll be holding down the fort for me again. He'll be handling the support group for me this month as well. I don't know what I do without him ... I'm so glad he's there.
Hope all are well.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Shelli,
You are soooo right. This vacation wasn't really a vacation, but a working trip to get things ready for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. We are exhausted, but were absolutely delighted and honored to be a part of the most special day in our son and daughter-in-law's life to date.
I'm slowing down a bit as I take care of business for my inlaws and am making some time to see friends this week and pack up stuff to send home. OMG! You wouldn't believe the 'stuff' I have in 'my room' that I need to pack up. LOL.
Well, I've gotta run.
See you all soon.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Deb,
I look forward to seeing you again too. I hope we'll get to see one another in October.
As I mentioned to Shelli above, I'm trying to slow down a bit and see a few friends over the next few days while I take care of business and pack up my junk to go home.
As soon as we get home, Sarah and I will turn around and fly out to NYC for a quick trip to visit her surgeon. She had quite spill the night of the wedding when her other leg 'blew'. She had said that she wouldn't have the right leg done, but after that, she said she'll be talking to him about it. It won't be right away, but she's still going to talk to him about it. Unfortunately, since that fall, the leg she had surgery on is really swollen. I'm not sure why, but she's icing, elevating and compressing it to try to get the swelling down.
Take care and I'll see you soon my friend.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Alice,
I wouldn't say I'm 'too comfortable,' but I must say that the draw to come home sure is strong. I miss my kids sooooo much. The only problem is that I know that we'd probably have to live in the barrio if we moved back and I don't think I can stand that.
I'm prejudiced, but I think you are right ... my girl did look oh so pretty. But then, so did the boys ... but again, I'm totally biased ... as a Mom should be.
I hope that you have a great Thursday too.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Shelia,
Thank you for your lovely note. It is so nice to be wanted.
You are very right I am one very lucky woman for so many reasons. My Ben is such a sweetie ... in Yiddish, we call him a "Mench" and he really is one.
I am taking care of 'business' for my in-laws, but I'm also slowing down some and taking some time to see some friends and relax a bit. It's been a real whirlwind and the first weeks of this trip were really a working trip instead of a vacation. Hopefully this next week, I'll get a bit of R&R in too.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Keep up the great work you are doing!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145