Aftercare help
Does anyone know how long I might need someone to stay with me when I get out of the hospital? I'm stressing out that I might not have someone here with me for more than a day or two. Hopefully I'll be having gastric bypass within the next couple of weeks, they are shooting for Sept 22 but because I have to get a filter put in a week ahead of time they aren't sure it can be done by then. Thanks for any advice.
It really just depends on how you do, and what you need to do around the house. I was in quite a lot of pain, and had problems getting into and out of bed for the first 3-4 days. Oh, and I couldn't bend down to pick up and put down the dog's food & water dishes. (Minor, but I needed help for anything that was at floor level for a good week.)
You'll probably be okay if you have a few days of help...that seems to work for most people.
It really just depends on how you do, and what you need to do around the house. I was in quite a lot of pain, and had problems getting into and out of bed for the first 3-4 days. Oh, and I couldn't bend down to pick up and put down the dog's food & water dishes. (Minor, but I needed help for anything that was at floor level for a good week.)
You'll probably be okay if you have a few days of help...that seems to work for most people.