I am Back and thank you to my Angel "Annie"
This is the first week I have felt really good. As some of you know I had my surgery August 14, 2008 and had a complication. I lost a lot of blood and was in the hospital for almost a week. My Mom updated on the board when she could. I want to thank all of you for the well wishes it is so nice to know people are praying for you and really care about how you are doing. Thank you to you all. I have to especially thank Annie P. who was and is my Angel. She came to visit me at the hospital on the day I was able to drink my first drink of liquid. I was in the hospital for four days before I was able to even have an ice chip, which tasted like pure heaven. She bought a little fairy to put in my window and a little plant too. She was with me every step of the way and I want to thank her so much for that. I want to thank my friend Rahsheeda. She has e-mailed me sent me a very nice card and she has called me to leave me messages to let me know she was thinking about me. Thank you to everyone who has had me in there prayers. It has been a rough ride but getting better every day. I have now lost 24 lbs since my surgery. Thank you again to everyone.
Been missing you but glad to read you are feeling better.
I wish I could tell you it will all be smooth sailing from here on out but that wont be the case.
Even to this day I deal with head hunger versus my pouch the pouch wins all the time.
I have just come to relize I dont think I will ever be able to eat a subway sandwich again or a whopper but I can accept that and move on.
It would be wonderful to see you at the meetup on the 20th.
Hang in there girl it gets better and better each day.
I bought a large sports type shirt today and it was a large.
Soon it will be time to go shopping and it will be great.