just realized i am now 2 months away from going under the knife!
Hey NC,
It hit me a few hours ago....today is august 27th, my surgery is october 27th!!!!! 2 months wow!
I talked with Amber today (nutritionist) and she reassured me about the pre-surgery diet while i'm traveling.....it will be difficult but i will do it! Now granted i tried it a few weeks ago, just for a day though....she doesn't really want you doing it for more than a day until you have to. Well after my "breakfast' i emailed her to let her know that my stomach was hurting like my throat had been cut! It knew something had to be wrong since i wasn't sending any food down to it! Well my "lunch" fixed that but I wasn't even trying to do the diet for dinner! She took pride in telling me "i told you not to do it...but no...you just had to try it". Well I am going to start it early because I am not trying to pass out in front of my clients in Illinois! So i guess I'll be on it for 4 weeks instead of 3!
After talking with another patient of Dr. Fernandez about my preop appointments i found out i didn't have an appt for an ultrasound so I called today and found out I didn't have a time b/c I wasn't going to need one....What do they normally do an ultrasound for?
I'm 2 months away, I'm 2 months away!!!