A surprise from my insurance Co.

Jane J.
on 8/27/08 10:42 am - Kernersville, NC
Hi everyone,
I just have to share the calls I had yesterday. Michelle, the coodinator for my surgeon called me at 7:30 am to let me know she was sending my file to BCBS of NC for approval. I was so excited!
She called me back within a couple hours. I was scared when I heard her voice! I thought something was missing or had gone wrong.......so many things ran through my mind.
Michelle said she had talked with BCBS and was told that, because Wake Forest Baptist Hospital is a Center of Exellence, no pre-approval was necessary! My date was set for October 6th!

I had heard so many bad stories about the insurance companies, I had to share this.
Maybe they are slowly coming to realize the importance of WLS and making it a bit less

I hope this story gives others with BCBS a bit of optimism.


on 8/27/08 12:03 pm
Jane, that's awesome!  I am so excited for you!  Good luck with your surgery.   Have they scheduled it yet?
on 8/27/08 2:39 pm - SIMPSON, NC
hey Jane,
whohooo Oct 6 is right around the corner,

I also have BCBS and was sooo excited that my dr was part of a Center of Excellence as well,
it makes things so easier for people with our insurance

i would recommend anyone with BCBS look for the Center of Excellence closest to them and GO,
the process is simpler and shorter.

i had my initial consult may 15. I had all of my testing completed in 7 wks.
i went in for my final consult with dr macdonald on july 15 and surgery was scheduled for August 15.
just 3 months !!!

im so excited for you and happy your shared in your experience. i hope this helps others with with BCBS.

good luck !!!
Yall Take Care!!

2 wks Pre-Op (started Atkins)/Surgery Day/Current/Goal

Band to DS
on 8/27/08 2:44 pm, edited 2/1/12 1:35 am
Unfortunately, I had to delete this post due to privacy concerns.

Got a lap band in 2008. Tried hard, but didn't lose much weight & developed swallowing problems. Fought my insurance company for almost a year & finally had a band to DS revision on 5/11/12. Have now lost 125 pounds. Yay!

on 8/27/08 10:04 pm - Black Mountain, NC
I'm also insured through BCBSNC and going with a Center of Excellence.  Wasn't that the best news ever?!  Congratulations on your date...I'm hoping I will be having my surgery around that time, if not long after!  Good luck!
on 8/28/08 1:16 am - Whiteville, NC

Congrats!!!!  Great News

Vera  LapBand 8/12/2008

Jane J.
on 8/28/08 1:35 am - Kernersville, NC
Thanks everyone! I am so anxious to go to the support meeting tonight. I can stand up and say,
"I have a date!!"  LOL

on 8/30/08 1:15 am - Walnut Cove, NC
Hi Jane,

Congratulations.  We are sharing a doctor!  My surger is a week from Monday.  I have already been thru all the appointments and am ready to go.  If you have any  questions about how Fuzz does things, let me know.

Tracy in Walnut Cove


*23 lb loss prior to surgery*

Donna L.
on 8/30/08 9:07 am - Wilson, NC
Isn't this exciting?!?!?  I will have my surgery next Thursday.  I also have BCBS and am so grateful for it.  Your surgery will be here before you know it.  Good Luck to you! 
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
Jane J.
on 8/30/08 9:20 am - Kernersville, NC
Thanks for the support everyone.

I went to the meeting Thursday and right in the middle of the plastic surgeon's presentation, I statrted coughing and had to leave. Something in that room kicked off my allergies or something.

I'm so anxious to start my three week preop diet. Did anyone start early? Am I just weird? (rhetorical question) LOL!!

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