What's everybody doing for Labor Day?
I will have to wave across the sound at your house.
We usually get a Sunday to Sunday rental. That helps some with the arrival traffic.
I just love the bike path in Duck. Last year I rode my bike 100 miles while I was there. # years ago I would have laughed if anyone had suggested I own a bike and ride it while on vacation.
We usually get a Sunday to Sunday rental. That helps some with the arrival traffic.
I just love the bike path in Duck. Last year I rode my bike 100 miles while I was there. # years ago I would have laughed if anyone had suggested I own a bike and ride it while on vacation.
Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007
We are leaving for Cherokee, NC this Thursday on our Goldwing Tri-Car Motorcycle. I can't wait :)))) We have front row and center seating for both Saturday and Sunday show that Randy Owen of Alabama is doing at Harrah's Casino. SOOOOOOOOOO excited. Hope I don't come home broke either. LOL My doctor said today I could ride in the sidecar. YIPEEEEEEEE I am so ready. I am 3 weeks post op and afraid she would say no. At first she was afraid I would be the driver. ROFL No way!!!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday.
I plan to go to Kill Devil Hills. My son will be there from UNC-Chapel Hill and hopefully, my boyfriend, his daughter from Greenville and 2 other friends will be there also. Usually I also have some of my sons friends to "crash" there also. There will be a catered supper on saturday night at Charlie's trailer park next door to my house, so I will go and drink my protein shake while everyone else has shrimp, scallops, fish and etc.
I am ready to go right now!!!!!!!! I can smell the salt aire !!!!!!!! It is soo healing to me.
I am ready to go right now!!!!!!!! I can smell the salt aire !!!!!!!! It is soo healing to me.