Today I hit a major milestone ... I resized my wedding rings
At my top weight I had to have my rings sized up to a size 10. As I lost weight, I nearly lost my rings a couple of times as they slid off of my fingers. I bought a ring guard and had it installed and it brought them down to a size 8, but that was still too big. With the ring gaurd, I had to wear the rings on my middle finger. I knew that I should get them sized, but I kept holding off because I thought I'd better wait until my weight stabilized ... and to be honest, I've had a nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me that I might want to wait because I might regain. It's still hard to believe that the extra weight is gone ... and it isn't coming back. First of all, I've never lost weight this successfully before and more important than that, I've never kept it off. I know that it's still very early in the game, but I took a leap of faith today that I'll maintain my weight loss and I had my rings sized down to a 6.5; this was a big deal for me because it was a "permanent" change. I guess the next step is going to be to purge all of my fat clothes and shoes that were moved down into the basement.
It's time to believe that I'm not dreaming and that when I wake up in the morning I'll still be a healthy weight ... I don't know if I'll always be the weight and size I am now, but I hope that I'll be able to maintain a healthy weight.
Today I'm 136 and holding and if I stay where I am now that will be okay.... While I find the prospect of gaining scary, I really wouldn't mind weight 10 to 15 lbs more. I'm more physically comfortable there, but I'm afraid of gaining ...what if I couldn't stop? For now, I'm just trying to keep my weight from dropping any more.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
You are an inspiration to us all and every time you blog committment to this new way of life just oozes from your message!
Hi Angie,
You are too kind. I'll bet you'll be resizing yours about this time next year!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Kendall,
Like you, I thought it felt pretty strange not to have my rings on and I did buy a WalMart sterling band. I wore mine as I lost a bit too long and one time when I was pointing to something across the room they went flying off my hands. I got a ring gaurd, but then of course I kept loosing and even that didn't work and I moved the ring to my middle finger with the ring guard. Eventually, I gave up and quit wearing them all together. It's nice to have them back again.
Re: weight ... I have to say that I'm must more comfortable with my weight at about 145. I know that my Dr. said that 137 was my idea, but I'll bet that they weren't factoring in my excess skin ... LOL. I think if I didn't have so much excess skin I'd be a little more comfortable at my weight. I'm glad I got down here because now, if I can get back up to 145 I won't wonder what I would have looked thinner. I'll know that I'm there because I want to be. That said, the thought of trying to regain is pretty scarry ... right now, I'll just be happy to maintain for a while.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I think that everyone at one time or another has the fear - what if this doesn't work for me? But you are living proof that it does work! And the fear of what if I regain is probably going to be in your subconscious until you can really get used to being where you are. These are big changes and it takes a long time to get our minds straight when there are changes.
And getting your rings resized symbolizes permanence. Congratulations! I must echo what Angie said, you are an inspiration to us!
Hi Shelia,
Thanks for your lovely words of kindness, support and understanding. At this point, I think that I'm living proof of the fact the WLS helps you strip off the excess weight. I feel like it's too early in the game to know if I'm going to be part of the 80% that keeps it off, or part of the 10 - 20% that suffers significant to total regain. I'm trying hard to put into place the tools I'll need to ensure the long-term success that we all covet, but to be honest, I've been 'having' to break many rules just to keep from losing any more and to maintain my current 136 lb weight. That really scares me. I worry that I'll really mess it all up and start gaining in earnest. That and the fact that I've never lost the weight and kept it off before ... As you say, it may take some time for my subconscious mind to accept the new reality.
Thanks again for your support,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Congrats on another milestone! Alice
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Hi Alice,
I have missed being able to wear them, but I have to admit that I think that waiting was a good idea. I don't think that I ever would have really guessed I'd get down this small so if I'd done it earlier, I probably would have had to have them redone. The good news is that it wasn't all that expensive. I paid 25 per band to have them sized down and I think the jeweler got the better end of the deal because of all of the gold he got to keep ... LOL.
I'll bet you'll be having them sized down soon.... Let me know when you do it.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145