Free Stuff - Protein Powder and Ensure/Boost
We have a good amount of Boost/Ensure left over from James's surgery a couple months ago. These are all unopened and well within the expiration date. We both have had ENOUGH of this for a good long time, but I thought some of you close to your surgery date might could use it. I know Southern Surgical patients need to mix Boost or Ensure with their protein powder.
We also have an unopened, sealed full gallon container of protein powder from GNC (caramel flavor I think?) and an almost full gallon container of non-flavor protein powder. I used this a couple times and hated it!
I am willing to give this to anyone who could use it. I just hate to throw it away when it is perfectly good stuff! If anyone in this area is interested, shoot me a message and we'll schedule a time for you to come by or I can meet you somewhere in Greenville to give it to you.
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!