Almost 3 weeks out and I just don't want to eat...
Too blessed to be stressed!
When do you see your surgeon again and what about the nutritionist? Perhaps you should start there and get some professional help to getting on the right track.
Take care of yourself !
Too blessed to be stressed!
And yes, your body is in starvation mode.. it's in a medically-forced starvation, and no matter what foods you *do* eat during this time, you will continue to stay in said starvation mod. Your body is figuring this out and hodling on to every bit it can.. but it will come off again. I promise (and if it doesn't I give you full permission to smack me around).
I don't eat because I want to anymore.. I eat to fuel my body. You are also going through a separation with food.. and it's very hard mentally to do that. Food was a comfort for me.. and I enjoyed eating. After surgery, I didn't have that outlet and it was sad. But I got over it and you will too.
Let me know if I can do *anything* to help you out.
Thanks Andrea...I'm sincerely doing my best...I want to do better...I want to lose weight...I want to be healthy...just going through a rough time now I think.
You are so right about food and my separation from it...ya wanna hear what I think? I was doing great until I returned to work on Monday....Since Monday (no kids at school yet) the teachers have had luncheons every single day...Monday-Salsaritas, Tuesday-Eb's BBQ, Wednesday-Chick Fil-A, and tomorrow Subway....I think I'm just so angry that I can't eat anything (still pureed) that I said "f--ck it, if I can't have what they're having, I'll just work and not eat" It's really been tough because I can't just sit there with them, but then if I don't I'm really alienating myself from my staff. Do you understand? So this week, I think my eating issues are more of a tantrum...LOL...I hope I can grow up soon and get back on the horse!
Thanks for all your support Andrea!!!
Too blessed to be stressed!
Have you tried any cheeses? good protein there... I am having trouble getting in enough liquids - ie: Water. I sip and sip, but by the time I get 1/2 cup of pudding or sf jello or some thinned cream of mushroom soup (not all on one day) then I am done....
Just thought of something... I use sugar free, fat free pudding mix - instant, with skim milk and add a package of unjury protein. Divide into 4 bowls and feel like I get an extra punch of protein.
Hang in there... someone will offer something that will work perfect for you.
Cheese is not on my list for pureed foods...she said I could sprinkle some on a scrambled egg, which is what I did tonight...but it didn't work out well.
I can eat jello and I love popsickles...puddings do not taste well...yesterday I grabbed a pudding and ate it...very sick to my stomach...realized a short time later...I ate my son's pudding and it WASN"T sf. Yucky! I can eat tomatoe a matter of fact, other than water, skim milk and popsickles it's the one thing I enjoy. I'm only allowed 1/8 of a cup for snacks and 1/4 of a cup for meals.
I do have a package of unflavored protein...just so scared I'm going to ruin the taste of the few things I can still get down...I guess I'm going to have to take the plunge and just do it....
Thanks for your suggestions Shelia...I do appreciate them!
Too blessed to be stressed!
im only 6 days out and im hungry all the time. i have no problem getting my drinks down. i dont have to sip either,
this leads me to believe that i need a fill.
i assume by reading everything else that this is normal for you.
i hope it gets better for you
2 wks Pre-Op (started Atkins)/Surgery Day/Current/Goal