Stiches, Dr. Troy and Oxycodone
So happy you faired well, my little Baby Veins!
Once the swelling goes down, you will be good as new.
On another are now less than 1 month away from your "surgi-versary" and have done a bang-up job woman!!!
All I can say to that is "WHOOP! WHOOP!"
Your anniversary falls on the day my Tina arrives for her visit. You gotta come meet her. She is crazy, like us.
Maybe me, Tina and Suzanne will ride up to J'ville for a gathering and all who want to join in are welcome. Noods? Sheryl? Are ya feelin' me? Bah!!
Let's make this a plan, man!
Miss your face kid...swollen or not.
Peanie Weenie
Once the swelling goes down, you will be good as new.
On another are now less than 1 month away from your "surgi-versary" and have done a bang-up job woman!!!
All I can say to that is "WHOOP! WHOOP!"
Your anniversary falls on the day my Tina arrives for her visit. You gotta come meet her. She is crazy, like us.
Maybe me, Tina and Suzanne will ride up to J'ville for a gathering and all who want to join in are welcome. Noods? Sheryl? Are ya feelin' me? Bah!!
Let's make this a plan, man!
Miss your face kid...swollen or not.
Peanie Weenie
So sorry for the late response but I couldn't get online yesterday. I'm glad things went well and except for the shots it didn't hurt!!! I hate those shots (or any shots for that matter)... Anyway, I was thinking about you and was getting a bit worried. Enjoy those drugs... lol!!! Chat with ya soon!
So sorry for the late response but I couldn't get online yesterday. I'm glad things went well and except for the shots it didn't hurt!!! I hate those shots (or any shots for that matter)... Anyway, I was thinking about you and was getting a bit worried. Enjoy those drugs... lol!!! Chat with ya soon!