Did anyone else?....
I had my surgery performed at Duke by Dr. Eric DeMaria. Currently, my husband is in the process of going through their program. Duke has an outstanding technical program, but has been going through signicant administrative growing pains for quite some time. When they say that the reason they are so slow now is because they are backed up due to the volume of patients, that may well be true, but almost all of their administrative staff and some of their clinical nursing staff has turned over in the past several months. Of course, this is making the administatitive component more challenging than ever. We are having our own painful experiences as we try to navigate the process again for my husband. All of that said, we'll hang in there and have them do the surgery.
I do believe that there are other very good options out there ... Enochs at Rex, Farrell at UNC Chapel Hill and the folks at Southern Surgical all have good reputations.
Wishing you every success with which ever program you decide to persue.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Had I paid closer attention and researched more, I would have known about the wait time there and would have gone elsewhere as having the surgery soon is a priority for me. I live in Durham , so they seemed like the obvious choice at the time.
From what I am gleaning , even after the long wait for an initial appt , I will still face long delays. What about aftercare? Are they able to fit u in regularly for that?
I would love to stay with Duke as they are convenient and my pcp is a Duke physician (easy exchange of paperwork) , but this is already a trying experience(major surgery) ......is it really worth it to hang in there and have it made more difficult by having to worry about falling thru the cracks and misplaced paperwork?
I dont think so,,,,,I have some tough questions for their admin staff that I will address next week , and also I am calling Dr Enochs office which I am beginning to think may be a better option for me.
I looked into other places as well. But like you all my records etc. are at Duke and closer to home. I know there are other places to go and they seem excellent also. I imagine Duke is handling quit a few hundred cases daily. I think at the seminar at Durham Regional Hospital they should tell you up front it could take up to a year to go threw this process. They could mail you something monthly or give you tips via email to prepare for the procedure such as literature and website etc. to visit. Maybe even someone make contact by phone or email once a month to let you know what is going on would help. In fact when I see Dr. Pryor the end of the month or the next group session I will recommend that to them. The worst I found about the Adm. Staff was the tone in which they talked to you over the phone. They could diffently use some phone edict training. Anyways I have rambled enough and there is more to it than we will ever know or even need to know. Our main concern is our health & well being and their is getting there job done & going home. You have to be proactive in your own health is the bottomline I have found.
I went to the new patient seminar on April 18 and submitted my application online that night. Received my packet about a month later. I called several times during that period. I don't know if it helped but it made me feel like I was doing something. Staff was very rude but told me every time that my packet should be mailed out soon. They did give me one piece of good info though. Don't get your tests done until you recieve your packet because you may not have to get all of the tests done that are listed on the Duke WLS website. The surgeons actually review the application before the packet is sent out. This does seem to be an improvement to the process but it would be nice to know. They should send out a letter once they receive the application explaining next steps. The packet has your appt. date, tests needed, lots of paperwork that needs to be completed and brought to the first appt.
My first clinic appt. was Aug. 7. It was a very frustrating appt. Staff was very unorganized. My scheduled appt. time was 9:00 am and it was 10:30 before I saw the NP. I saw Hilery Blackwood. We went over in great detail all my paperwork that I had brought in. I had one item missing (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level ) and they took care of that in the lab that day. Next I went to see Dr. Kelli Friedman for the physc. eval. (45 mins.) Last I was supposed to see the Nut but he was on vacation that week!! Go figure. The nutritionist called me at home on 8/18 and we went over the info. on the phone.
I haven't received any updates since my 8/7 appt. I coudn't wait any longer and called the office on 8/20 and I actually spoke to a person (Jenny). She said she would pull my chart and call me back with my status. By Friday 8/22, I hadn't heard from her, so I called back. She stated "I'm new and I really don't know all the procedures yet but hold on and I'll try to get you an answer". She was able to locate my file and said they were waiting on my psyhc eval and results from the bloodwork done at the 8/7 appt. Both documents should be completed and in my file by now! Dr. Friedman submitted by psych. eval already and the lab results are back.
Anyway, Jenny said check the Duke WLS website in a few days and my status will change to "submitted to insurance" once it's been sent off. (BCBSNC) Wow! That would be awesome, to actually have a status. My status has been Not Applicable No Status since 4/18.